Because in , the Toyota AE86 was born. For those who gave credit to Takumi Fujiwara that tofu-delivery boy for making the AE86 such a phenomenon in recent years, they are clearly missing out on the real deal. Instead, it was Keiichi Tsuchiya, the Japanese Drift King who took it sideways around the corners and popularized it with such reverberating fanaticism which transformed the fortunes of what was once an underground sport.
Drifting in modern days has become a worldwide culture. But what is so special about these automotive antiques? The doppelgangers were nearly identical, except for the flat and rectangular headlights of the Levin as compared to the nostalgic pop-up lights for the Trueno. Oh I see, Then how do u get ur money to do up ur car? Oh also a qucik newb question? How do drift rules differ from sumthin like JGTC? I know drift is powerslidin' and stuff but wat happens if u dont powerslide round the corners in drift?
Also same goes with normal racing, wat happens if u powerslide the corners? Drifting competition grades on numerous things But in drifting, isn't also about winning the race ie coming 1st place just like any other car race? Oh I don't get what you wrote in your signature, bout the chinese or sumthin.
Could u explain that? Last edited by mugenpower ; , PM. Help Contact Us Privacy Go to top. The profiles are so clean and understated. It reminds me of an S15 Silvia. I discovered it in Gran Turismo and since then I fell in love with it.
This content was originally posted by a Car Throttle user on our Community platform and was not commissioned or created by the CT editorial team.
Please confirm you agree to the use of tracking cookies as outlined in the Cookies Policy. Sign in or register. FNMC 3 years ago. Facelifted Levin. Maybe he was just happy that a gaijin was taking interest in his kyuusha. Trueno Owner, thanks for making our day. Two different variations for two different dealer channels. Your email address will not be published.
Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. Japanese Nostalgic Car. This post is filed under: japan , toyota and tagged: corolla , levin , sprinter , te28 , toyota , trueno.