What happens if you tie in phase 10

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In the event of a tie, the players that tied replay Phase number The first one to go out is the winner. Looking at this specifically according to the wording it reads that once a hand has ended the first player to have completed phase ten has won. It does not say the winner finished the hand or that the winner finished without cards. It simply says that at the end of a hand the first to have completed the final phase is the winner. This would mean that a hand has ended and two or more players have finished the final phase.

One may have cards left and the other may have gone out. Or both players finished with cards and someone else has gone out to end the hand. According to Phase 10 rules, the official 10 Phases are:. For those Phases which require more than 2 combinations, e. Phase 1, you must have all the cards in hand ready to form BOTH combinations, before you lay them down; one combination is not enough, neither are any partial Phases acceptable. Color is unimportant here. Choose two of the sets and lay them down, while getting rid of the rest by discarding them.

A Run is defined as four or more numbered cards that are sequential. Your task is to build Phase 2. Color is irrelevant here. A group of one color as in Phase 8 , is simply defined as all cards being of the same color.

Numbers are irrelevant here, including repetitive numbers. It can be all seven green cards, or seven blue cards, or seven red cards. Phase 10 can be played by 2 to 6 players.

Choose a dealer to shuffle and deal out 10 cards face down, to each player. Players should not show their cards to one another. The remaining cards are placed in the center of the group to form the Draw Pile. A card is then turned over and placed next to it. This is the Discard Pile. Draw a card from either the Draw Pile or the Discard Pile, and add it to your hand.

And then, discard any card that you want onto the Discard Pile. This is an example array prior to building a Phase, in this case, the second Phase. If you have the required cards, you can then proceed to build your Phase. During your turn, if you can make a Phase, make sure you have all the required cards to form the Phase before laying them down face up in front of you.

If not, after drawing and discarding your cards, play moves on to the next person in turn. Each round is played in a clockwise direction, until finally, someone completes their Phase and goes out.

The first player to go out wins the hand. Scores are recorded please see below , and the player to the left of the dealer becomes the new dealer for the new hand. All cards are gathered back in the deck after scores are tallied , shuffled, and dealt again to all the players by the dealer.


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