Without enough moisture, your contact lenses can dry out and lead to problems, such as corneal scratches. Because modern contact lenses are made from advanced materials, they offer supreme comfort. However, this is a risky practice that can lead to vision damage.
When used for too long, contacts can develop tiny tears and accumulate calcium or protein deposits that can seriously irritate or injure your eyes. How Can You Prevent It?
Rye Eye Care Tips from our eye clinic on how to keep your eyes healthy with contact lenses Contact lenses can be a fantastic way to see crisp and clear without bothersome eyeglasses.
How much use is overuse? Replace your contact lenses on time Because modern contact lenses are made from advanced materials, they offer supreme comfort. What happens from the overuse of contacts? There are three main problems that can result: Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis GPC : wearing your contact lenses for too long without changing them can lead to deposits in the lenses that cause Papillae large granules that rub against the cornea to form under the eyelids.
As a result, you can experience itching, red eyes, light sensitivity, and the constant feeling that something is stuck in your eye. Never disregard professional medical advice nor delay in seeking professional advice or treatment because of something you have read on www. For faster service, give us a call - - EYES.
Contact lenses are an ideal replacement for eye glasses. Here are some of the most common side effects of wearing your contacts for extended periods: Eye pain. Wearing your contact lenses overnight or taking a nap with them can cause corneal abrasions or scratches on your cornea.
As you can imagine, the condition is painful. This happens because the contact lenses deny the corneas hydration and oxygen. Blurred vision. Another offshoot of contact lens overuse is blurred vision. Instead of helping you see better, your contacts can impair your vision if you use it longer than you should.
This is caused by damage to your corneas and is often accompanied by sensitivity to bright lights. Red eyes. However, contact lens overuse can cause severe damage to your eyes and lead to serious vision problems. Contacts should be taken out for at least 18 hours per week. Your eyes need time to rest. If you go without your contacts any less than 18 hours each week, you are overusing them.
It helps to make a schedule of when you will put your contacts in and take them out each day. Your eyes need oxygen to remain healthy. Your eyes are the only part of your body that must take in oxygen from the air in order to function properly. Overuse of contacts denies your eyes the ability to breathe properly and can potentially do a great deal of damage. Wearing contacts too much can cause a great deal of strain on your eyes, as well as headaches.
When resting your eyes, use glasses as a substitute. This will relieve the strain and allow your eyes to breathe. Never wear your contacts while sleeping. Not only will it damage your eyes, it is the most dangerous way to deprive them of oxygen and hydration as well.
Without moisture, your contacts can become dry and cause many potential problems, such as scratching of the cornea.
Replacing your contacts as prescribed is important. These days, contact lenses are made of different materials made to be more comfortable and easier on your eyes. For this reason, many people wear them longer than prescribed or until they become uncomfortable.
Typically, all contacts have a replacement schedule, usually daily, weekly and monthly. Your eye doctor should give you enough pairs to last one to three months. Each type has a different thickness and level of durability. If you are prescribed weekly wear contacts, you should wear them for a week, discard them and put in fresh lenses. Extending your replacement time can do serious damage to your eyes and vision.