How old is ebenezer scrooge in a christmas carol

Hard and sharp as flint … secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster. Or he might have used political economist Thomas Malthus as a model. Dickens, unless he comes back as a ghost on a cold winter night…. Dickens had such a clear picture of his antagonistic protagonist, he penned the page novella in only six weeks. And just six weeks after its publication, the book was adapted for the London stage, taking off in multiple productions and spreading to New York and beyond.

He has shut out humanity. In previous years at ACT, the in-person shows have involved 75 pounds of paper snow per run, scenery, lighting and sound changes, and a cast of nearly 50 people, including kids from the Young Conservatory program. The indirect speech shows that Scrooge is threatening and in charge. He will not give permission for Cratchit to take more coal. His nephew visits to wish him a 'Merry Christmas' and Scrooge is rude to him in response.

Scrooge's response is comical, but unpleasant. He cannot accept the generosity that is offered him and instead turns images of Christmas into images of violence. When he sees Marley's ghost, Scrooge tries to deny its existence by attributing the vision to something he has eaten.

If you slack off, the storyline will get confusing, especially in this play. The conflict is that Mr. Ebenezer Scrooge is becoming a mean, greedy man who lost his Christmas spirit at the death of his friend, Jacob Marley. The climax happens at the point where future. I enjoyed both versions and their true message. There were some big differences in the story. It explains his childhood, and it tells why his father left him.

Scrooge helped not only is friends but the community as well, by having a better attitude towards life, donating his gains, and using kind words. To begin, Scrooge realized we all have a duty to protect and care for eachother. Scrooge used to be a terrible cold-hearted man, but that all changed when he saw the choices of his actions. When Scrooge realized this he became helpful and nice. He felt and still believes that his father did not care much for him.

He states the only relative that paid much attention to him was his sister, Fan. She was the mother of Fred, and is now deceased. Scrooge states that he had few close friends during his childhood. During young adulthood, Mr. Scrooge was engaged to be married. However, when his bride-to-be expressed concerns about Mr. After the wedding was called off, Mr. Scrooge, states he turned his focus completely to his business and did not attempt to make any friends or to maintain any other relationships.

He does state that he had one friend, Jacob Marley, who was also his business partner. Jacob Marley is now deceased and Mr. Scrooge reports having no other close friends until very recently. Fred states that in the past he has attempted to visit Mr. Scrooge frequently, but that he generally found him inhospitable. Further Fred, states that the last seven years or so, Mr. Scrooge has worked late on a daily basis, isolating, and depriving himself and his sole employee of even adequate heating at his place of business.

Approximately two weeks ago, on Christmas Eve, Mr. Scrooge claims that he was visited by his deceased friend, Mr. Marley as well as by three other spirits. Scrooge states that initially he thought his vision of Mr. Marley was a hallucination brought on by indigestion, however, he now believes the event to be have been real. He states that Mr. Marley warned him about being punished in the after life and told him to change his ways before it was too late. Scrooge states that after Mr.

Marley departed, he saw three other spirits who transported him through time and space to view Christmases in the past, present and future. He says two of the spirits actually spoke with him and warned him about living his life selfishly.

Scrooge says that the last spirit did not speak but did take him to visit his own grave.


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