How old is damon salvatore

Wikias are generally not reliable sources, since anyone can edit them and sometimes people do edit nonsense or fanon into them. There seems to be an error somewhere. Vikki scott Vikki scott 21 2 2 bronze badges. Obsidia k 18 18 gold badges silver badges bronze badges. Adrienne Adrienne 1. Bobby Bobby 1. Welcome to SciFi. What are your sources for this information? Delena Delena 1 1 1 bronze badge.

I don't see what this adds to the previous answer. What do you mean? He means there is already an answer here that says exactly the same thing, but in a shade more readable format. Gallifreian I don't see how this answer says the same thing. The other answer says they are 17 and 25, this one that they are 17 and I have no idea which is correct, but they are certainly different answers.

Bamboo - true. I apologize then. Yet, this answer lacks referencing, punctuation, and basic grammar. Stefan is 17, Damon is Bima Loxley Bima Loxley 15 1 1 bronze badge. Do you have any sources to support your answer? Upcoming Events. November Topic Challenge: Samuel R. Delany ends Nov Featured on Meta. Now live: A fully responsive profile. Linked 2. Related 2. Hot Network Questions.

But their immortality only went so far, evidenced by Stefan's death. They could stay young forever so long as they weren't killed by any other means, which is a common trope for vampires in fiction - particularly young adult books, movies, and TV shows. Their relationship was tested numerous times, beginning with the battle for Katherine's affection.

While the two had their "break-ups" throughout the series - particularly with Damon and Stefan going 48 years without seeing each other, only to reunite in the early 20th century for their nephew's funeral - the show ended on a happy note.

The Vampire Diaries series finale included a flash-forward sequence to the afterlife where the brothers reunite and embrace. Stefan even regarded Damon with a "hello brother," a callback to their reunion in the show's pilot when they both returned to Mystic Falls for the first time in years.

Nina Dobrev But when she left the series in season nine, it as because she landed the lead role on the CW smash hit The Vampire Diaries, which she starred on for six seasons before announcing her exit in On January 26, , it was announced that Nina Dobrev would return as Elena Gilbert in the series finale.

Katherine chooses the latter and shows up at the Salvatore house. She says goodbye to everyone in her own way leaving Stefan last. She kisses him and Stefan stabs her. The Vampire Diaries concluded its eight-season run on Friday with a whirlwind finale that should have you alternating between sobbing and grinning.

Elena and Damon got to live happily ever after. Bonnie got to live. Stefan made the ultimate sacrifice, but finally found redemption and Lexi. At the end of the season, she is linked to Elena through a spell Kai made that put Elena in a coma as long as Bonnie lives.

In season seven, Bonnie is more united with Damon and their relationship develops while she starts having feelings for Enzo. Begin typing your search term above and press enter to search.


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