Note: Your countable income for eligibility is different than your countable income for figuring your benefit amount. Dennis and Rebecca live with their three young children in Oakland. Dennis is on SSI and has no other income. Contact your agency by phone to ask about this. Then, if you meet the basic eligibility requirements, someone from the county will make an appointment with you, give you more forms to fill out, and ask you to submit other documents, like identification and birth certificates.
If you have a disability that makes it hard for you to do the usual application process, ask your county social services agency staff for help called a reasonable accomodation , like helping you fill out the forms or reading the forms to you.
You may also be able to get some money immediately if you are in an emergency situation. Generally, services are available to: Families that have a child ren in the home who has been deprived of parental support or care because of the absence, disability or death of either parent.
Families with a child ren when both parents are in the home but the principal earner is unemployed. Needy caretaker relatives of a foster child ren. How to Apply: Apply online: BenefitsCal. Information and Resources. The gulf is just as wide when looking only at cash grants. Again, that was more than many states spent on their entire welfare program.
One major — and cash consuming — difference is California refuses to push out children even if the parents fail to fulfill requirements. Steinberg has echoed those same sentiments when dealing with Brown, a fellow Democrat, who initially wanted lawmakers to pare welfare even more in the current budget.
Other states offer second chances to the parent. While few want to toss children out in the street, there are a number of conservative California lawmakers who believe hard choices must be made given the tough fiscal times for taxpayers. Of those being helped in the state, nearly , are families. Nationally, about 1. The Urban Institute reports that in the calendar year, , children in California received aid even though their parents were ineligible.
Nationally, there were , children being aided in households with no parent qualifying for assistance. California recipients can qualify for a partial grant even if they go to work, depending on how much the job pays.
The state explains that policy this way: allowing families to have a small paycheck from a job offers an incentive to re-enter the workforce and move to self-sufficiency quicker. The state also picks up the tab, if slots and funding are available, for a number of expenses recipients incur while preparing for a job.
Those include subsidized day care, training fees, transportation, books and uniforms,. Under the program, called Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, or TANF, the federal government caps block grants to states instead of open-ended amounts. Congress also gave states more authority to establish their own spending policies. As a result, some states spend more on services rather than direct grants. Arizona in June reported helping nearly 40, recipients. It has a month time limit for most recipients, but does keep aiding their children when parents are disqualified.
Texas does provide noncash help, such as child care and transportation. Washington as of June had , recipients. Robert Califf to again lead the powerful regulatory agency.
San Diegans were promised a waterfront museum 30 years ago. Within months of taking over the Navy Broadway Complex site, developer IQHQ requested — and received — a reprieve from building a large museum facility for the city.
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