The roller skate wheels are perfectly fine. I can see the fabric is getting worn but works fine, except the carryon handle got stuck pulled out when we were leaving Amsterdam. I was of course in a bit of a panic and had to empty out my suitcase to see if I could fix it. Nope, so finally in desperation I hit the handle down really hard and it closed. This reminds me I need to examine it more and either fix the handle or get a new carryon bag. The big bag is of course perfect. I view luggage like electronics.
You don't want to spend too much as the technology and formats change frequently. Also if you're flying where the bags outside your personal control it'll get scuffed, stained and generally beat on by the airline bag handlers. I would be upset over the damage caused if I spent a lot on my luggage. I just accept that I should replace every 5 years or so.
Using a vintage hard shell Samsonite on wheels. It has carried heavy loads and has been to at least 20 countries. I use it for all major international travel. No plans to replace it at this time.
I probably have 3 sets of good luggage on hand. Our latest was ultralight Travel Pro 21" swivel wheel carryons.
I have noticed that it is one brand commonly seen with world travelers that is available at Amazon and T. Maxx for reasonable prices. What is funny about our retirement travel is that we seldom leave town--that is unless we are leaving the U. We don't even go to the 3 large cities 2 hrs. I think it is the luck of the draw if you are traveling by air.
Sometimes they come out fine and other times it could be a new bag that gets torn up the first time out. I had one well constructed piece that had the stitching ripped out on part of a zipper rendering the bag unusable. Nothing was torn or damaged otherwise. How they were able to do that I don't know. I hope I can get it repaired somewhere there is a heavy duty sewing machine. It's beginning to show wear but 4 wheels still swivel fine.
Trying to figure out how to 'repair' the frayed part. Any suggestions? We had occasion to visit a luggage repair store that did a lot of work for the local airlines. Asked about luggage as I traveled frequently for business and for pleasure. The answer I got was price is not a good indication nor is brand.
Apparently some of the name brand manufacturers produce product destined for the 50 percent discount retail stores and for their outlet stores.
They may look the same but are not made the same according to the person we spoke to. We only do carry on now so less damage. We travel frequently. When we go to Cancun in March it will be trip number 6 for our luggage.
It is just from WalMarts so hopefully it will hold up for this trip. I better start to pack at least a week early just in case, we are 45 minutes from the nearest city to buy new luggage at. I wish I could just be one of those people that can just do carry-ons.
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What is the best Secrets resort? Start by emptying the bag and using a vacuum hose or handheld vacuum to remove accumulated crumbs or sand from both the main space and any pockets, says Dan Miller, founder and CEO of Mulberrys Garment Care, an eco-friendly laundry company in California and Minnesota. The proper cleaning method for the exterior depends on its material.
Miller says to always read the care label, and he offers these general cleaning tips:. For leather bags: Spot clean obvious stains with a toothbrush, warm water, and a dab of laundry detergent. If there's a grease stain, use dish soap. Then wipe clean with a cloth. After that, spray the bag evenly with leather cleaner and leave it out to air-dry. For soft-sided, fabric bags: Fill a bathtub with warm water and a few squirts of detergent.
Put the bag in the water and just move it around to loosen up the dirt. After a few minutes, drain the water. Then repeat the process, but let the bag soak for about an hour.
For hard-sided bags: Clean with gentle soap and water, using dish soap and a toothbrush for grease spots. For aluminum bags, you can coat with metal polish after cleaning, for additional shine and protection. Store smaller suitcases inside of larger suitcases, make sure that all zippers are closed, and stuff outside pockets with newspaper in order to help the luggage maintain its shape.
If you travel infrequently or have one suitcase that you rarely use, put a large trash bag over it to prevent dust from settling in over time.
Unfortunately, despite its stunning beauty, the airport of this famous island is well known for being a difficult entrance and departure point for travelers. Luggage carousels here are frequently chaotic, and as a result, delayed and lost luggage is often reported.
This airport has long held the record of most thefts in the United States. Thousands of lost and stolen baggage claims have been made over the years, with reports from stating that the airport sees as many as cases of theft per day.
Juba is certainly an airport you want to travel to armed with an extra overnight bag and your travel insurance. Like New York, London is a thriving metropolis with some of the highest numbers of travelers entering daily in the world. These are just a few airports that have a high number of lost or stolen luggage claims and reports. Here are a few more that may be worth researching if you are traveling to these countries:.
Oscar is from Riga, Latvia but he has traveled all over the world. He especially likes trekking and visiting "off the beaten path" destinations. He believes that traveling shouldn't be complicated or expensive. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. We also participate in other affiliate programs. By Oscar Brumelis Last Updated November 11, We use affiliate links, and receive a small commission if you make purchases through them.
Find out more here. It should be somewhere near the baggage claim, just ask the nearby staff. Make sure to do this before leaving the baggage claim. The staff deal with this all the time and you being irritating will make things worse. Fill out the lost baggage claim, describing the content of the lost baggage and all of its features.
Try to describe your case as best as you can, as this dramatically increases the chances of finding your luggage. In the case that travel tags have been torn off, the only way to identify your case is by its features and content.
Thankfully nowadays, the airport systems are pretty advanced. All found luggage is immediately placed in a database. Their software then sorts through the database and locates your suitcase based on the description. Most likely you will be given instructions on how to check your luggage status online.
The Compensation Amounts for Lost, Damaged and Delayed Luggage If your luggage was delayed or lost, you could be compensated for your losses. Just make sure to file the claim in: Damaged luggage: 7 days; Missing or damaged contents: 7 days; Delayed or lost luggage: 21 days.
Other tips about getting reimbursed for lost luggage: Expect to receive less than the maximum reimbursement. Airlines usually know the average value of each case and are hesitant to pay more; You will get compensated only if you have receipts.