How do you say scrooge in french

Use the full quote request form. Search for an expression in any language pair Dictionary Home Expression. Suzy, what do you mean exactly by economically-minded? I believe that is something along the lines to "cheapskate" or "miser," although I'm not sure if it's formal enough to be used in an essay.

I'm not sure if you could fit that in, but it might be fun to try. Avez-vous des exemples d'utilisation? Thanks for all your ideas. You must log in or register to reply here. Last 50 Translation Published There's a restaurant over there, but I don't think it's very good Drinking even "moderate" amounts of alcohol increases dementia risk, US research suggests.

Popeyes Holdfast Plumbic feverfew plant Emapathy cosmopolitanism Canonicate horizontality. As you well know HowToSay is made by volunteers trying to translate as many words and phrases as we can. We are in a very early stage and we would like to keep growing as we did in the past years.

If you would like to help us you are more than welcome, here some options: Donate something trough Paypal. In English, it's common to say "He's such a Scrooge! Thanks in advance! As an aside, this is my first time posting at wordreference, although I've been a long-time lurker; apologies if anything about this format is incorrect!

Elme Senior Member Paris. Yet Harpagon is not as common in French as Scrooge is in English. To make sure you get your meaning accross you'd better say "Quel avare!


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