User Info: markstephens I found holding the button's works better whenever i just pressed it goten would just do nothing. User Info: lenmutt. Hi, In team battle choose two guys that can fuse with each other e. Then during the battle press R3 when they both are in their normal form not the sayains, you should have suitable requirements for the transformation.
Hope i helped. User Info: irfansattar When you look at your moves list it should tell you how to fuse, there are certain buttons and blast gauge requirements to do it. Iam pretty sure it has something to do with l3 and r3 User Info: kamehameha Press the correct buttons, you can see which button it is by pressing Start, then going to the "Skill List", go to the part "Transformations" and you can see the button combination right there.
If it gone well, you will fuse into 1 character. User Info: DutchKraken. I just got the game, but if it is like bt2, then I think you have to be doing a tag battle. Then it should be possible once the blast stock is at the right level.
You need to press the control stick in a certain direction along with holding down the 1 button User Info: orkhart. In my experience you have to do it in tag battles when you pick both characters in your team. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to ask and answer questions. Question Status How do I fuse I do the right combanion but it wont fuse the things?
Answered I cannot fuse. Merged Zamasu is only as strong as Evolution or perfected ssj blue. He couldnt even beat a non kaoken ssjb goku pushed to his limits. Yes he can use because he is half goku and half vegeta.
And using kaioken he can defeat beerus and jiren. Miniature games. How do you unlock gotenks in Budokai 3? How to fuse Goku and Vageta in team battle? How to merge son Goten and trunks in Dragon Ball Z? Can you Fuse anyone in Dragon Ball Z?