It transforms the kindness and joy of others into happiness, which it stores in its shell. Generation V. Black It transforms the kindness and joy of others into happiness, which it stores in its shell. Generation VI. X The shell seems to be filled with joy. Generation VII. Generation VIII. Sword The shell seems to be filled with joy. Ruby Sapphire Trade.
Hatch Egg received from gentleman in the Water Labyrinth. Received from Hordel Shadow. Black Trade. White Forest. Dream Park. X Y Friend Safari Fairy. Sun Moon Breed Togekiss. Channel Cobalt Coast. Who's Den. Wish Cave 5FF.
Mitonga Road , Thunder Temple. Rumble Blast Meadow: Trailhead Field. Battle Trozei Distortion Island: Stage 1. Area Stage Minimum stats are calculated with 0 EVs , IVs of 0, and if applicable a hindering nature. Maximum stats are calculated with EVs , IVs of 31, and if applicable a helpful nature. Damaged normally by: Normal. Weak to: Normal. Immune to: Normal. Resistant to: Normal. Level Move Type Cat. PP 01 1. Sweet Kiss. Life Dew. Ancient Power. After You. Follow Me.
Baton Pass. Last Resort. Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Togepi Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an evolution of Togepi Click on the generation numbers at the top to see level-up moves from other generations. TM Move Type Cat. PP TM Mega Punch. Mega Kick. Solar Beam. Thunder Wave. Light Screen. Rain Dance. Sunny Day. Helping Hand. Draining Kiss. Mystical Fire. Body Slam. Fire Blast. Tri Attack. Sleep Talk. Shadow Ball. Future Sight.
Hyper Voice. Nasty Plot. Zen Headbutt. Grass Knot. Stored Power. Work Up. Play Rough. Dazzling Gleam. Parent Move Type Cat. Aerial Ace. Morning Sun. Psycho Shift. Moves marked with a superscript game abbreviation can only be bred onto Togepi in that game. Game Move Type Cat.
Move Type Cat. Defense Curl. Double Team. Dream Eater. Echoed Voice. Heal Bell. Magic Coat. Psych Up. Rock Smash.
Seismic Toss. Shock Wave. Water Pulse. Zap Cannon. Recruit rate : 7. Friend Area : Flyaway Forest. Recruit rate : 6. Field move: past. Buddy Distance: 3 km. Togepi Fairy. Togetic Fairy Flying. Togekiss Fairy Flying. Ruby Sapphire. Diamond Pearl. Black White. He evolves through friendship evolution. My Togepi Evolved At Level Togepi evolves at level 21, I have just evolved my Togepi. I put my togepi in day care and it is level 31 will it still evolve.
Myn evolved at level 21, and it fainted 2wice, all you need to do is put it first in party, and then keep talking to it, and give it that neck thing you get off a person in the national park, it makes it happier. Well Togepi can't evolve at a certain level. My togepi evolved at level 21 p. Vicktoria answered. Really, people. It evolves when it's happiness is at max. Keep it in your team and better yet, in the lead. Give it the soothe bell you find at National park, give it haricuts in the underground Goldenrod tunnel, give it calicums etc , level it up and talk to it My togepi evolved at level My togepi hasn't evolved yet it's at level My togepi did not evolve at all.
I know how to evolve togetic use a shiny stone then you will have a togekiss. You have to make it super happy like talking to it first in your 6 pokemon giving it haircuts. I think togepi evolves with happiness use some stuff like protein,zinc,etc and make it first in party and make it hold soothe bell. You can also give it massages in veilstone city. Togepi evolves by happiness make him win battles without fainting and give him stuff he likes etc and he will evolve. Mine evolved at level 14 but now I'm w8ing for him to evolve again but I don't know what level he will evolve.
Daniel Piercy answered. My togepi evolved at lvl Just give it the sooth bel,l put him in first place in your party give him hair cuts and he will evolve. To evolve togepi into a togetic you need to be the best of friend's with it give it haircut's for instance and give it a sooth bell and when it evolves give it a shiny stone to evolve it into a togikiss.
If you r in heart gold then go to the hairdressers in goldenrod city and your togepi will evolve afterwards. I jsut evolved mine. I gave it like 3 haircuts at goldenrod city and then at level 20 it evolved. Have it at the front of your party all the time.
I hate my togepi, hes lvl 41 and havnt evolved yet, doing all these things. Maybe you have to love it back, LOL. Hes so annoying. Oh my god frist to give it soothing bell give it haircut talk to it a lot then put it 1st out of 6 ps mine evloved at level My brother evolved his Togepi at lvl Evolved at lvl.
Togepi doesnt evolve at any particular level, you need to get its happiness full, suggest using the pokewalker to max it out. You are an idiot togepi doesn't evolve in a certain level you have to be friends. Answer Question.