How do you cite sparknotes in apa

We use cookies to make wikiHow great. By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Cookie Settings. Learn why people trust wikiHow. Download Article Explore this Article methods. Tips and Warnings. Related Articles. Method 1. List the author of the guide. List the title of the guide in quotation marks.

The title for any SparkNotes guide is the phrase "SparkNote on" followed by the title of the book that the guide discusses. Place a period at the end of the title, inside the closing quotation marks. Provide publication information for the guide. After the title of the guide, list the name of the company that published the guide, followed by a period. Then provide the year the guide was initially published. Type a period after the year, then add the word "web" to indicate you accessed the guide online.

Follow that with a period. Close your citation with the date you accessed the guide. Type the day you last accessed the guide online using day-month-year format. For most months, use the 3-letter abbreviation, rather than writing the month out. End your citation with a period. Use the name of the group author for in-text citations.

MLA uses the author and page number for parenthetical citations in the text of your paper. Since SparkNotes guides don't have pages, you only need to include the group author's name in your parenthetical citation. Method 2. Start your full reference entry with the name of the group author. The SparkNotes editors are considered a group author. While APA typically only uses first initials, this is not the case with group authors.

Place a period at the end of the name of the group author. Provide the year of publication in parentheses. Type a space after the period following the group author's name, then type the year the guide was first published.

Place a period after the closing parentheses mark. Include the title of the guide in regular font. The title of a SparkNotes guide consists of the phrase "SparkNote on" followed by the name of the work of literature discussed. Place a period at the end of the title. This can seem daunting and confusing—which is why we created this guide to show you how to do it! Also please note that the most recent revision of MLA citation format no longer requires you to include the date you accessed our site.

Please consult your MLA guide when creating citations for other sources. SparkNotes Editors. SparkNotes editors. Author Last Name, First Name. Year, Month Date of publication. Retrieved from URL. Please consult your APA guide when creating citations for other sources. No Fear Hamlet. Retrieved from www. SparkNotes: The Great Gatsby. Month Date, Year of publication. Please consult your Chicago MoS guide when creating citations for other sources.

Inside the closing quotation marks, place a period at the end of the title. The year the guide was first published is followed by a period. You can copy the direct URL to the guide after the year of publication. You can close the date of access in parentheses.

There is a period after the closing parentheses mark. Chicago-style footnotes contain the same information as the full citation, but use periods instead of periods to separate parts of the citation. The publication information is in parentheses. The last period is at the end of the citation.

A group author remains the same. Creative digital agency based in United States. We believe in building knowledge to everyone should be easy to access and free. Topics Contact Menu. September 12, How To Cite SparkNotes. Step 1: The author of the guide should be listed. Step 2: The title should be listed in quotation marks. Step 4: Close your citation when you accessed the guide.


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