You will notice that the mercenaries get paid periodically. This is your key as they get paid at the top of the hour. Count from 6PM to Midnight, and quickly sacrifice the first mercenary. Use Y to skip the cutscenes, and if you don't get the bow sacrifice the second one immediately, again using Y.
Should you fail your first time around, load your save as the mercenaries do NOT respawn. It shouldn't take you more than a couple of tries if you do this right. User Info: GreatAnubis. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to ask and answer questions. Question Status Why wont the bow equip? Unanswered Should I play Fable 2 or 3 is there any point playing the sequels?
As aparently 1 is the best? Answered Help me!? Answered Is there a guide which tells me the location of all the wooden chests in fable? Ask A Question. There are TWO types of "days" in the game 1 "days" as in the game going from back to When that happens you pay your family upkeep. I think this is mins. Those "days" will NEVER advance until you finish your "daily decisions" So if you have days till the attack, you can keep it there, FOREVER, and keep doing side quests, MP, etc until you go into the throne room, make the decisions, then usually do the "quest" that will "end" that "day" or time period.
Where you really need to be careful is when it says i think days to the attack. It will JUMP from there to 1 which is really 0. Even with rent at LOW on everything If rent is normal on everything, that ammount is doubled Don't worry if your xbox "pauses"..
Also make sure, if you do this, to tell the xbox itself not to turn off after 6 hrs of inactivity Bowerstone industrial houses seem to drop faster Also I noticed that the higer rent you charge, the faster the houses need repairing not sure why they do that. Joined Jun 27, Messages 57 Reaction score 0 Points I at first didn't realise this, and was gonna mess round some more after dealing with Sabine in court, and then when the time came for The Attack, I'd deposit enough to fill the treasury.
However, I got caught completely with my pants down and ended up with about 2m in the treasury when the attack came. Feels bad man. Aqana New Member. I also rushed, thinking 'ish days wouldn't jump straight to day 1. However when the portal appears you can still access the treasury book.
Everything is grayed out but still interacts. So if you are willing to stand around for a couple hours and have the property to generate some cash, you'll eventually accumulate enough to donate. A Bed is an item of furniture found in Fable II. Double beds can be found in many houses and Inns around Albion. To sleep in a bed, the player must walk up to it and press the A button. An option will be given to sleep for set amounts of time: 6 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours or 7 days.
How long is a day in fable? How long is a day in Fable 2? How do you reduce your age in fable? How do you pull the sword from the stone in fable? How do I get Cutlass Bluetane? How do you open the Demon Doors in Fable? How do I get to Chapel of Skorm?
What is the best weapon in Fable anniversary? How long of a game is Fable 2? Is Fable 2 short? Can you make yourself younger in Fable 2? What is the time of day in Fable? How long do you sleep in Fable 2? Where does Fable 2 take place in history? When did the Fable 2 compilation Come Out? How long is one day in Red Dead Redemption 2?