If your company roster includes a manager who is involved in major decisions for the business, you might choose to upgrade their title to the secretary of the business, treasurer, or other corporate officer.
When you are drafting business documents, make sure the language is clear and concise to protect against signing by those who aren't authorized to do so. For example, the corporation's articles of incorporation should include a list of corporate officers who are authorized to sign. You might choose to have your employees sign contracts that detail whether they are authorized to sign legal documents for the business.
If an employee is authorized to assign in a specific circumstance, you may want to draft a power of attorney that includes the details of this authorization.
Signing a contract isn't like getting an autograph from a famous person. The signature is legally binding on a legal document so it's critical to be sure that the signature is authorized by the company owner to make business decisions.
If you need help with authorization to sign on behalf of the company, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel's marketplace. Electronic signatures. Full name. Email Address. Sign up. See all. Autumn Budget The key points for employers 3rd November Discrimination Can menopause be classed as a disability? Contractors and volunteers Are you overlooking the health and safety of non-employees?
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Our services. It grants legal recognition to electronic signatures and records if all parties to a contract choose to use electronic documents and to sign them electronically. The GPEA Act — Government Paperwork Elimination Act requires Federal agencies to provide for the option of electronic maintenance, submission or disclosure of information, when practicable as a substitute for paper, and use and acceptance of electronic signatures, when practicable.
It defines the companies that provide these signatures as trust services and makes e-signatures and accompanying time stamps admissible in court. Compliance is obtained when it is determined that the party signed the document intentionally and that their identity was verified prior to signing.
An advanced eSignature takes your document signing one step further from a simple signature and makes your document more secure. A simple signature can be when you copy and paste a. What makes an advanced signature different is that it needs to be identified and linked to the signatory. You can create it by using data that only the signatory can control e. Once you opt for a document signing option keep it consistent in the document signing process. Whenever you have more than one signer makes sure that you insist on the same e-signature technology.
By Deborah C. Question : My brother just left for a trip to Nepal for several weeks of trekking. Before he left, he was close to signing a lease on new space for his business. Apparently, the landlord didn't get the lease agreement to my brother before he left, even though all the terms had been agreed to. So he called me from the airport to ask me to sign the lease for him when it comes to his office.
Can I legally sign the lease for him or will I be committing forgery? Under the law, a person commits forgery when she alters a legally significant document in a manner intended to defraud another person. A legally significant document is one that affects legal rights or duties, a definition that certainly includes the lease in question. In the situation you describe, you have been asked to sign for someone else and would be doing so only to assist that person. You are not intending to defraud anyone nor are you doing so.
Thus, you would not be committing fraud by signing the lease on behalf of your brother. Be aware, however, that there is a particular way that this signing should be done to make clear that you are signing with your brother's express authority.