Are there cops that smoke weed

Cops on the force will not be allowed to toke up themselves, however, the NYPD said in a statement. Others that will regulate sales at licensed dispensaries and let adults grow as many as 12 pot plants per household and keep a five-pound stash at home are set to be phased in later.

Additional reporting by Bernadette Hogan. Contact The Author Name required. Email required. Comment required. April 1, pm Updated April 2, am. It was issued just hours after Cuomo signed the measure into law Wednesday morning. The union representing the officers plans to fight the rule after complaints from officers. The Canadian military has said that soldiers can ingest cannabis — but must do so at least eight hours before they report for duty.

Earlier in the year, two Toronto officers were caught consuming a cannabis-infused chocolate bar while on duty. After they began to experience hallucinations, the pair requested backup. The two officers were suspended following an internal investigation and are now facing charges for obstruction of justice and breach of trust. There is still a degree of uncertainty swirling over how sobriety will be tested, as well as the divergent effects cannabis will have on the public. The kit, used in Germany and the United Kingdom, gives police indication if drugs have been used in the last six hours.

While laws differ from province to province, many are treating driving high as similar to drunk driving. This article is more than 3 years old. In Vancouver, officers are asked to self-evaluate their mental fitness for duty, but Toronto has yet to publicly announce a policy.


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