Are there cockroaches in utah

They are commonly a light brown color, with black lines. German cockroaches love dark and moist places. American cockroaches are one of the largest species in the world, measuring two inches or more in length. They also have wings that allow them to move from place to place. Oriental cockroaches are most often found outside, although they might wander indoors as well. This variety has a glossy dark brown or black carapace, and grow to be about one inch long.

Brownbanded cockroaches are a smaller variety; they seldom grow more than half an inch long. They tend to congregate in warmer areas of your home, sometimes in the ceiling or near water heaters. Cockroaches are scavengers and will feed on contaminated food and fecal matter. In their travels, they pick up a variety of germs and bacteria and bring it with them when they enter your home or business. Particularly, cockroaches transmit salmonellosis, typhoid fever, cholera, gastroenteritis, dysentery, listeriosis, giardia, and E.

Bacteria in a cockroaches digestive system survives for long periods months or even years and gets transferred to your home through its fecal matter.

Cockroaches will also vomit or defecate on food which transfers diseases to people who eat contaminated food. Cockroaches are attracted to food, water sources, and shelter. Any access to these things will draw them into your home or business.

While there are some things you can do to minimize cockroaches into your home or business in St. George, actually preventing them on your own is almost impossible to do. Zip Code:. Schedule My Inspection. Unfortunately, the summer travel season can often mean a fall bed bug season. Read More. Insects and creatures are always busy, and it will just be at different times in the year. While some live and reproduce during spring or summer, others emerge over the fall or winter.

Seasons of peak activity are about the environmental conditions a pest thrives in Contact Us or Buy Now. Cockroach Identification Guide. The most common type in Utah is the German cockroach. One of the largest species is the American cockroach, which can grow to be about 2 inches long.

Both American and German cockroaches may be present in your home because they can cohabitate and are often found together. You will probably see their excrement or eggs before you see any cockroaches. Roaches usually lay their eggs in warm, humid areas that are close to a food source.

They are particularly attracted to cardboard boxes, newspapers, etc. You may also notice cockroaches rummaging through your trash or see one coming out of a bathroom drain. Cockroaches carry bacteria and diseases that can make people sick, so they pose a health threat to people they live with.

Like many other insects, roaches like to hide out in undesirable places, and as a result, they track bacteria from those places with them everywhere they go. Keep your kitchen as clean as possible to prevent them from being attracted there. Be especially mindful of places where grease and crumbs collect and quickly fix any leaking pipes or faucets. These are areas that will be particularly attractive to your little roach buddies, and the kitchen is the last place you want bacteria-riddled roaches to hang out.


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