Why essential skills are important

Employers desire someone who brings out the best in others. You can show initiative by proactively handling situations and finding answers to questions without direction. This shows employers that you are taking personal responsibility and developing as a leader.

Use thoughtful analysis to identify problems and make informed decisions. Assess the situation, ask crucial questions, consider possible solutions and plan a course of action.

Employers want to see you demonstrate personal accountability for your actions and work habits. Be sure to show up on time, work productively with others and understand the impact of your non-verbal communication. Take responsibility and learn from your mistakes to show integrity and ethical behavior.

You can show leadership by using interpersonal skills to coach and develop others. Additionally, you can use empathic skills to motivate, organize, prioritize and delegate tasks. Work on completing tasks with thoroughness and accuracy.

Employers like to see you have high standards in the quality of work you perform. Skip to content Press Enter The nine essential skills Nine essential skills every employee requires Workplace essential skills are the nine foundational skills required for learning all other skills at work.

They are: Reading Writing Document use Numeracy Oral communication Digital technology Thinking Working with others Continuous learning Essential skills are used in every task a worker performs.

Scanning and skimming for information. Critiquing and evaluating. Integrating information from multiple sources. Writing Writing texts and writing in documents, on paper and on computer. Organizing, recording, documenting, persuading, requesting, justifying, analyzing and comparing. Document Use Performing tasks using a variety of information displays in which words, numbers, icons and other visual characteristics e.

Documents can include forms, checklists, graphs, tables, signs, labels, drawings, blueprints, schematics, etc. Reading and interpreting documents in print or non-print e. Often document use includes writing, completing or producing documents.

Numeracy Using numbers and being able to think in quantitative terms. Money math. Scheduling, budgeting and accounting math. Measurement and calculation math. Data analysis math. Digital Technology Using different kinds of digital systems, applications and tools, and processing digital information.

Sending emails. Using word processing software. Creating and modifying spreadsheets. Operating cash registers. Thinking Using the six different types of interrelated cognitive functions. Problems solving. Decision making. Adult students in literacy agencies, who receive training integrating ES language, develop skills that lay the groundwork for further progress. Why Essential Skills? The same WWestnet report indicates that Essential Skills development is associated with: Greater independence Increased self-respect Effective problem solving and communication Better overall health and well-being Higher learning and earning potential An increased ability to use technology Flexibility and the capacity to adapt to change ES development is appropriate for individuals with a wide-range of skills.

After reading this module, what connection do you see between the stated benefits, and the goals students in your agency are working towards? The Need. Head Office. Oral Communication. Working With Others. Digital Technology.


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