Why edward cullen is the perfect man

Bella…loves it. This second circumstance factors heavily into fanfiction that features Edward and Bella in some type of romantic plot. Very generally, fanfiction is a narrative work that features at least one character from a previously published work of fiction. While it is common to keep the details of Twilight intact when writing fanfiction i.

Their focus then becomes indicative of their interest in Edward and not in the fact that he is a vampire; they like him because of him and not simply because he is realistically out-of-reach. Successful fanfiction writers are thus able to expand the Edward they find themselves attracted to, down-playing the character traits that perhaps make him appear overly-protective and possessive while exploiting his sex appeal, his ability to romance, and his intelligence.

Radway furthers this analysis:. This attention not only provides her with the sensations evoked by emotional nurturance and physical satisfaction, but, equally significantly, reinforces her sense of self because in offering his care and attention to the woman with whom she identifies, the hero implicitly regards that woman and, by implication, the reader, as worthy of his concern Reading fanfiction is a form of escape out of reality as much as it is an escape into the specific world of Twilight.

Not only are readers, and more specifically writers — who invest a far greater amount of time and individual concern in the work — allowing themselves to further perpetuate a social system where vicarious romance reading is a necessary escape from everyday life, but they are also especially choosing to read Twilight fanfiction, choosing to envision Edward Cullen as their personal knight in shining armor, Edward Cullen as the man they would prefer to end up with in a monogamous romantic relationship or, at the very least, an extremely fulfilling sexual relationship.

Regardless of whether Rob is popular because he portrayed Edward in one media adaptation or because Twilight was simply a jumping off point for his own popular qualities, the fact remains that this distinction is difficult to discern, and further exemplifies the female and fan attraction to Edward.

In a way, anything remotely attached to fan interpretation becomes revered because it is indicative of some aspect of Edward Cullen which fans lack in their everyday life. Most Twilight fans recognize that pining after their very unrealistic vampire is a lost cause — and so most do not, in the sense that they understand and recognize that Edward as a vampire should be left to his equally fictionalized Bella. But even Meyer herself understands the charm.

Edward lets fans know that even unassuming, shy girls like Bella deserve to find the kind of love they are consistently told only exists in fairy tales. It is an all-powerful force. It is emotional. It is hormonal. It triggers something in the brain that keeps us wanting. And that is the fun part, delving headfirst into Western socio-cultural history and realizing that females have been bred for this kind of attachment as much as males are trained to embody certain masculine ideals.

In some respects, then, Edward Cullen turns out to be just another guy, imbued with social characteristics females subconsciously seek out, even if they cannot explain this attraction while they are caught up in the throes of passion. Each character type has his moment to shine, and his cultural reverence then becomes recycled as generations grow old and a new definition of masculinity is ushered into the collective consciousness.

And maybe this is why Edward has forced readers into a frenzy and refused to let go: he will always be out of reach. But they must always remember that the Edward they know and love is a vampire, a fictional creation, lest they begin to pine and lust harder, with much more time and lots more energy. It is this perpetual struggle, this losing, uphill battle that fans both secretly love and loathe.

Readers will never meet Edward, never know what it feels like to fall in love with a vampire, but that longing, that driving force keeps them on their toes and teaches fans that they should not have to accept second-best. It might take them a few tries, but they will reach the summit, a personal Edward Cullen in tow.

Adams, Isabelle. New York: Harper Collins Publishers, American Psycho. Mary Harron. Lions Gate Entertainment, Blazina, Chris. The Cultural Myth of Masculinity. Edward manages to kill Victoria, with Seth Clearwater killing Riley. The Cullens and the Quileute werewolves, meanwhile, destroy her newborn army. Victoria and Riley almost kill Edward. After the battle, Bella visits Jacob and tells him that she has chosen Edward over him. Edward spends the night holding Bella as she cries over pushing Jacob away.

After she calms down, Edward asks Bella if she is sure that choosing him was the right decision, since he had never seen her in such pain. Bella, who had been in worse pain when Edward left her, assures him that she can live without Jacob, but not him. After hiring Alice to plan out their wedding, Edward tells Bella that they can make love before they get married, as he realizes that she spends too much of her life trying to please other people.

However, she refuses his offer and says that she will do everything the right way: marriage, making love, and then becoming a vampire.

Bella then tells Edward that they need to tell Charlie about their engagement. Edward later secretly sends Jacob an invitation to his and Bella's wedding, thinking that Jacob deserves the choice to come or not.

The ending shows Jacob running away in his wolf form after seeing the wedding invitation. In The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner , Riley Biers tells the army about a coven of yellow-eyed vampires who plan to attack them and reclaim Seattle for themselves, and also mentions some of them having powers. This successfully manipulates the newborns into working together to destroy the Cullens. Edward makes his appearance at the end of the novella, referred to as the "redheaded mind reader" by Bree Tanner.

Right before she dies, she uses her thoughts to tell him what she knows about Jane and Victoria's agreement, and also asks him to be nice to her surviving friend, Fred , if they ever cross paths in the future. In the movie Eclipse , Carlisle and Esme are the ones to speak up. Near the beginning of Breaking Dawn , Edward marries Bella in a beautiful ceremony orchestrated by Alice.

There is, however, a disturbance: Jacob's unexpected arrival, who eventually becomes violent towards Bella when he finds out that Edward is going to make love to her before turning her, as he fears that Edward will kill her. They consummate their marriage, but Edward's passionate lovemaking sparks a fight between the newlywed couple: Edward is horrified that he has bruised and battered his new wife, but she insists that she is fine and wants Edward to make love to her again.

He vows not to do so again while she is still human, but eventually gives in and is glad to know that he has managed to avoid bruising Bella again. They spend their honeymoon hiking in the jungles, diving and keeping themselves occupied with all kinds of games. After a short period of time, Bella becomes very sick, and realizes that she is pregnant when she discovers a box of unused tampons. Bella soon receives a phone call from Alice, and asks to speak to Carlisle.

Edward soon falls into shock when he listens to their conversation. He realizes that what grows inside Bella needs to be killed. Edward rushes Bella off the island to see Carlisle, who confirms she is expecting his child. Edward fears that the pregnancy will kill her, and, unable to stand the thought, he tries to convince her into having an abortion. However, she feels a bond with her unborn child and insists on giving birth.

Edward doesn't give up so easily, going as far as to ask Jacob if he would conceive a child with Bella. The baby, however, eventually wins Edward over; when old enough, is able to let him hear its thoughts, and he is both shocked and delighted to find out that it already loves the two of them. Bella nearly dies giving birth in an emergency c-section, but Edward successfully delivers his baby girl with Jacob's help, whom Bella had named Renesmee.

Edward then injects his venom into Bella's heart, thus healing her wounds by turning her into a vampire. During Bella's painful transformation, Jacob goes crazy with rage when he thinks she is dead. Irrationally blaming Renesmee, he tries to kill her, but ends up imprinting on her instead. In the movie , when the Uley pack attempts to destroy his daughter, Edward rushes to stop them with Alice and Jasper. They were initially outnumbered, but the rest of their family come to their aid in seconds, and then the Black pack.

Through Jacob's thoughts, he learns that he had imprinted on his daughter. During Bella's transformation, Edward sits patiently by her side, waiting for her to recover. He is also relieved by the renewed peace between the wolves and his family, and more importantly, the arrival of their half-human daughter; but incredibly irritated by Jacob's imprinting on her.

When Bella wakes up from her transformation, Edward takes her out on her first hunt so she won't attack Renesmee. He is impressed by her ability to resist the smell of human blood, but still irritated by his inability to read her mind. They are also given a cottage renovated by Esme as a present. Edward and Bella are extremely annoyed by Jacob's imprinting on Renesmee, but they later accept that it was involuntary. By this time, Edward and Jacob appear to have become friends, who does them a "favor" by telling Charlie about the supernatural world but restrains from telling him about vampires, which allows the Cullens to stay in Forks for a while longer.

Three months later, Irina , of the Denali coven , reports Renesmee to the Volturi as an immortal child , whose creation is forbidden. The Volturi gather their entire guard against the Cullens. In the month it takes for them to arrive, the Cullens turn to all their allies the La Push werewolves , the Denali Coven, and numerous other vampires for assistance.

When the Volturi finally arrive, the confrontation comes close to a fight. Bella's gift becomes apparent in the fact that she can protect her and others around her from the Volturi's mental attacks. This causes the Volturi to rethink their position.

In the end, however, the Volturi are convinced that Renesmee is not a threat, and they leave. With the confrontation over, Edward, Bella and Renesmee are free to live their lives, though they suspect it may not be forever. At the end of the story, while alone with Edward, Bella removes her shield , allowing him to read her mind for the first time and realizing how much she truly loves him, which brings them even closer. And from then on, their happily ever after begins. Edward is noted to be extremely attractive.

Bella has often described his appearance as similar to the mythical Greek god, Adonis. His facial features are described as perfect and angular—high cheekbones, a strong jawline, perfect eyebrows, a straight nose and full lips. His untidy hair retains the unusual bronze shade that he inherited from his biological mother, Elizabeth Masen.

His eyes, once green, are now described as topaz or liquid gold. His appearance changes if he goes long without feeding: his eyes darken, becoming onyx black, and purple bruise-like shadows appear beneath his eyes.

Edward stands at 6'2", and has a thin and lanky but muscular body, remaining frozen physically at 17 years old, though he is technically over a hundred. Edward is usually described as brooding and stubborn, but also very kind and compassionate.

Bella also describes him as charming, polite, and determined. He easily dazzles human females with his beauty, scent and body, and persuades them to do his bidding. He always puts Bella's safety, humanity and welfare before anything else, and goes to great lengths to protect her from what he sees as danger.

Edward is also a bit of a romantic at heart. He often over analyzes situations and has a tendency to overreact, especially in situations where Bella's safety is potentially at risk - evident in his decision to disable her vehicle to prevent her from visiting the emotionally unstable Jacob Black. He retains some of the traditional mindset and outdated speech from his human life in the early 20th century. Since vampires do not sleep, he employs the night hours reading books and studying languages, science, business and music, becoming a virtuoso on the piano he owns in his house.

As a human, he learned to play the piano and became a very well-playing pianist. This trait was carried on to his transformation, and as a result he has a liking to composing something that comes passionately.

Edward enjoys listening to a wide range of music, including classical, jazz, progressive metal, alternative rock, punk rock, but he dislikes country. He prefers indie rock to mainstream, and appreciates rock and classical music equally.

He surprises Bella in an early car ride by having Debussy in his CD player. He never comments on the music from his own teen years, as well as the twenties swing music which came a few years after his turning. Edward and his family all enjoy driving fast. He has a hobby of collecting cars. He also gave his sister Alice a yellow Porsche Turbo as a gift in Eclipse.

He bought a motorcycle to ride alongside Bella, but gave it to Jasper after realizing that this was something she did with Jacob. Esme described him as a gentleman. Although Edward appears convinced of his own soulless status, Bella noted that he must believe on some level that he possesses a soul as, when he saw her in Volterra while believing that she was dead, his automatic assumption was that he had gone to Heaven with her rather than that she was still alive.

Stephenie Meyer explains that Edward started out as a pessimistic character. He always thought of himself as an abomination of nature, not deserving happiness nor believing that his relationship with Bella would last, until he gave her a daughter and brought Bella more happiness than he could have ever imagined. To him, Bella's happiness was everything; furthermore, he was the one who gave her that.

At the end of Breaking Dawn , he has become a much more positive person and fearlessly faces the Volturi. Edward's super strength causes him to break one side of the van while saving Bella. Edward is the fastest vampire in the Cullen family. He is also a skilled fighter in the Cullen coven, though for his speed rather than being the strongest.

As a vampire, he has sharp senses, superhuman strength, speed, endurance, healing factor, and agility. He describes himself as the most dangerous predator in the world whereas his appearance, scent and voice are enormously attractive to his prey, so much so that he occasionally sends Bella into a daze entirely by accident. Edward explains that vampires do not need to breathe, though they often do so out of habit and to retain their ability to smell.

He cannot digest human food, and compares its attractiveness for him to the prospect of eating dirt for a regular person. He also compares his family's "vegetarian" diet to a human only eating tofu, as it gives them the same strength as human blood but never fully satisfies them.

Edward reading Bella 's mind. Edward possesses the gift to read the thoughts of those around him. His gift is different from Aro 's, which is limited by his need to touch the target and can access every thought a person has ever had. Aro is intrigued by Edward's power because he can read people's thoughts from a distance and what is going through their mind at that moment, and wishes to make him part of the Volturi guard.

However, Edward has no interest of belonging to any authority. Edward's power seemingly comes from his dormant ability to read people as a human, which became a supernatural talent when he became a vampire. He can hear all "voices" in close proximity with him, but has learned to block out the ones he is uninterested in by focusing on one voice or something in particular.

Edward mentions that his ability is like being in a room where everyone is talking at once. He can tune out the "voices" so that it's just a low buzzing in the background. The closer and more familiar he is to a person, the farther away he can reach that person's mind when he wants to, but can only keep track of them within a few miles. He mentions in Twilight that he can use it to dismiss people who feel attraction toward him and his family.

He can also telepathically experience Alice 's visions and keep track of a shape-shifter 's telepathic link to his pack when he is within range. However, Bella Swan is the first exception to his gift as she is shielded from psychic powers , which is part of what made him curious about her when they first met. Edward's relationship with his biological parents was very old-fashioned.

He loved them, especially his mother. In New Moon , Carlisle mentions that it was Elizabeth who made up his mind to transform Edward into a vampire, in order to save his life. Bella Swan is Edward's wife. Edward had a strong attraction to Bella's blood, making it extremely difficult for him to even be in her presence.

The Volturi called Bella, in their own words, his la tua cantante or his "singer". For Edward, Bella is the center of his existence. He has moments where he can be annoying and flawed as well as having positive attributes. Edward Cullen definitely fits the trope of being the moody and attractive male love interest, and he is rather emotional. In fact, he spent decades before her lamenting that he was going to hell, so, overall, his self-loathing can get worse.

When the books were first coming out Team Edward versus Team Jacob was a big deal, and even today fans still have strong opinions on who Bella should have ended up with. While both Edward and Jacob have their flaws, one of the best things about Edward is he understood much better than Jacob the importance of consent in physical relationships.

Vampires as a whole can seem rather calm and cold, but they can be suddenly emotional and even scary especially when in the midst of a blood frenzy.

However, Edward was someone who often needed to learn to keep his angry feelings to himself. Maybe Edward did it purposefully, so she would hate him. In doing so, it makes the audience the opposite of sympathetic to him. There are real dangers in those woods. The Cullens hunt mountain lion and bear in them. Bella could have ended up in a way worse situation than being lost for a few hours because Edward thought this was a good idea. Worse than watching Bella as she slept was the fact that Edward essentially followed her.

Honestly, we have to wonder at this point if the folks who created You were a little bit inspired by Twilight. He watches her at her home, at school, and when Bella goes out with friends. Meyer tries to make this a good thing when Bella almost gets attacked during a trip to Port Angeles. It comes across as more unsettling than charming.

When Bella does have a relationship outside of the coven, specifically her friendship with Jacob Black, Edward is not pleased. He makes the displeasure know repeatedly to Bella, who shows a bit of a backbone and keeps going to La Push to see her friend.

Even with both the shapeshifters and the Cullens trying to convince her otherwise, Bella makes sure to go and see Jacob. Eventually, things do cool between the shapeshifters and the vampires in wake of more pressing threats.

A coven, in the case of the Cullens, functions more or less like a family. There are parental and sibling relationships alike within the group dynamic. For the most part, the Cullens seem to live in relative harmony. They all appear to care for each other and enjoy their roles in their family.

Then we get to Edward, who is the broodiest person ever. He kind of just draws in his family to his drama with Bella. Edward asks them to risk their lives for a human girl that he wants to bite. Edward, on the other hand, should have something going for him. To be fair, they do try in the movie. They have him crack jokes and be dramatic. Overall, however, anything about Edward the person is more informed rather than shown. Once Edward starts to date Bella, he just keeps by her side at all times.


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