Who is walden to alan

The truth is, there was no good reason given for Zoey and Walden breaking up other than because not doing so would fundamentally change the nature of the show. Instead of marrying Walden off, the makers decided to have Zoey break up with him and get back together with her ex, despite her admitting to loving Walden and him being clearly the better choice out of the two men.

A big part of Walden's personal arc was his maturing enough to want to start a family, even if he could not find a woman and had to settle for marrying Alan in order to be eligible for adopting a child.

But why did Walden never consider just using a female surrogate to birth a child with his own DNA? The surrogacy option is impractical for many couples because of the expensive price tag attached to the procedure, but Walden with his immense wealth would have no problem with that. It would certainly be easier than pretending to be gay and marrying Alan and all the other hoops the government made him jump through in order to adopt a child.

In the final episode, Charlie returns from a life of captivity to exact revenge on Alan and Walden. He starts by somehow breaking into the beach house and planting cardboard cutouts of Alan and Walden with nooses around their necks. Clearly, Charlie was fully committed to his plan of physically hurting and possibly killing his brother and the new owner of his beach house. So why did Charlie not just stay inside the house and wait for them to come inside? Why did he simply leave, and then make one more trip to the house in the final few seconds of the series finale?

Ashton Kutcher is as famous for dating and marrying Mila Kunis as he is for his professional career. Thus, it was no surprise when Kunis guest-starred on the show as Vivian, a hiker that Walden instantly becomes enamored with. The relationship did not last long. But what made the episode particularly interesting is that previously, Alan had made a passing reference to the actress Mila Kunis in an episode.

Walden is constantly stated to be vastly wealthy. Unlike Charlie, who made easy money by writing a few hit jingles on his piano, Walden has worked hard to create a tech company worth billions. But in the same season, they also get divorced. Which is where we find everybody at the series finale.

Wow me, Lorre. Give me a show and all shall be forgotten. Bad news. Unfortunately, my open mind closed shop faster than a Radio Shack. When I say beyond weird, I mean beyond.

Even by Two and a Half Men standards. The episode had everything. It was ridiculously dirty, including a Two and a Half Men staple — a rape joke, a weird collage of meta references, goat-fucking, crappy 3-D animation, and of course death! But the big question was: Would we get a sweet Charlie Sheen cameo?

One of the weirdest parts about the episode is that after a four-year absence, the show still seems obsessed with Sheen. The entire finale revolves around him. Does anyone care anymore? I guess one guy does. This episode was to be their revenge.

Why does she have a fucking WELL in her basement? Who cares!!! FYI — we never see Charlie or hear him in this scene. The suspense was killlllllling me. Two and a half. Alan wants the money, but he needs a death certificate in order to get it. This is where the show begins to get ridiculously meta and self-referential. So Charlie escapes out of the dungeon-well by tying his bowling shirts together. Way to pay off, bowling shirts!

She explains how it all went down. Yes, 3-D animation. Folks, this flashback was off-the-wall bonkers. First off, the animation was awful. I mean, it looked like a Veggie Tales sequel. Even the Nasonex bee would be horrified by it. So in the flashback, the stalker-wife explains that she and Charlie were happy and in love. They hit it off and later on he asks her to move in for him only to break up with her when she finally does to get back with Zoey.

She leaves her ferrets to attack him before ruining his chance with Zoey after pretending to be pregnant with his child to her and begins stalking him. Laurel was one of the three moms that Alan and Walden had befriended when taking Louis out to meet friends.

The two get intimate and Walden is forced into explaining his whole fake marriage to Alan to prevent her from leaving when she realizes he's married.

They attempt to have sex but he falls asleep beforehand when attempting to put Louis to bed. Later they meet up again and decide to get back together. When the house becomes too much of a problem for them when they try to have sex they get a hotel room and end up having angry sex after the two point out the flaws with each other's kids.

They have sex again again but end up parting ways after Ms. McMartin figures out about his and Alan's fake marriage. After Alan breaks up with their social worker Ms. McMartin, Walden goes to attempt to try and fix the two's partnership with her at her house upon hearing she stalked Alan and Lyndsey to a restaurant and spilled his drink on him.

She notes out how much he loves Louis and begins crying asking herself why nobody loves her like that. Walden attempts to console her by complimenting her, which leads to her unexpectedly kissing him and the two end up having sex.

She believes they are in a relationship though Walden only does it to prevent her from stopping Louis' adoption. Later on, she comes over to his house and cooks for him and to have sex, both of which he enjoys.

The two mutually decide to break up and remain friends when she notices how he's only doing it to save the adoption and she completes it for him. After he and Alan realize they dumped their women for nothing and will end up alone with each other, Alan goes to woo back Lyndsey and Walden goes to rekindle his relationship with Ms.

She agrees after a serenade from Michael Bolton. He attempts to propose to her when Alan does so with Lyndsey only for him to get shot down and they agree it's too soon but she stays with him. Later on, Alan walks in on the two having sex to inform him about Charlie's savings he had stashed up and yet to be claimed and she leaves while the two agree to have sex again at another date.

The show ends with her as Walden's girlfriend. Two and a Half Men Wiki Explore. Main cast Amber Tamblyn Angus T. Sweeney Aly Michalka. Chuck Lorre Eddie Gorodetsky. Chuck Lorre Lee Aronsohn. Explore Wikis Community Central.

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