We are considering using Node. My plan is to build an app with features like video broadcasting, and the ability for all the participants to talk and chat. IO for chat features. Is there any way that so many related technologies could be a hindrance to the other? Any advice would be appreciated. Ritwik Neema. I am trying to replace Socket. IO with PubNub. Provide the way to do it. Hello guys, my team is looking for some stack pre-build to implement a real-time chat.
Meanwhile, we had built a little infrastructure with Node. IO , and it works fine, but we want to evolve. Realtime application framework Node. JS server. Do you see any WebSocket activity in the Network tab of dev tools in the browser? Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Alan Friedman Alan Friedman 1, 6 6 silver badges 6 6 bronze badges.
Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Email Required, but never shown. The Overflow Blog. Does ES6 make JavaScript frameworks obsolete? Podcast Do polyglots have an edge when it comes to mastering programming Websocket is a computer communication protocol that enables full-duplex communication between the client and server over a single TCP connection.
Websocket protocol which is located at layer 7 of the OSI model enables interaction between a web browser or other client applications and a web server with lower overhead than half-duplex alternatives such as http polling hence promoting real-time data transfer between the two.
The project contained two parts before version 1. With the major release, transport handling has been moved to Engine. Apart from that, socket. Setting up socket. The code snippet below shows how to attach socket. For a socket. Here is a code example. Both client and server can emit and listen to events and each event contains a body which in most cases is a JSON object. Below is an example tweet event emitted by a node.