Which super villain are you

I wouldn't have a lair, I'd have an enormous city to rule over. A secret base full of all the chemical experiments and devious traps I'm working on! Who needs a lair? I'll sit on my throne, and let any who dare challenge me. I love to hate the Batman! I suppose I AM a superhero sometimes Captain America is always getting in my way. Professor X is my least favourite superhero. That's the villains code. If you had to steal something, what would it be? I'd steal the Infinity Gems back from the Avengers.

I would steal the most advanced metal in the world. I have no need to steal anything! Dark blues and blacks, to help me sneak I can be a bit slow, so anyone quick might be able to beat me. I can be too kind for my own good sometimes I have no weaknesses. I am eternal. I might suddenly want to be good again A hungry wolf. I would be a wise and kind ruler. I'd probably be on stage as a musician or in plays.

If I wasn't a supervillain I wouldn't exist. I'd go to a nice beach for a relaxing vacation. Oh I'm far far far too busy being bad to take a holiday! I would spend the whole time on the internet.

Anywhere in the whole universe I wanted. Nobody would dare mess with me. How would you describe your fashion sense? Category: Other. Which Supervillain Are You? Questions Probe into your dark side with these 29 questions! Fun This test is not based on any scientific study whatsoever. Answers Do not think about the answers too long. Enjoy and share At the end of the quiz we will give you the result.

You can share it with your friends :. Start Quiz. See if you have a supervillain inside of you with the six different super villains in this test. See which one you relate to the most. Remember to rate this quiz on the next page! Rating helps us to know which quizzes are good and which are bad. What is GotoQuiz? A better kind of quiz site: no pop-ups, no registration requirements, just high-quality quizzes that you can create and share on your social network.


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