In Slender Rising 1, the player will escape straight away when the seventh sign is collected. In it's sequel, after the seventh sign is collected, the player must get to the portal whilst still avoiding the Slender Man. In Slender Rising 1 and 2, the signs are drawn on old brown paper on wood, and often appear to be written in blood.
They seem to have more threatening sentences than Slender's pages, such as "You are the sacrifice" and "No one leaves alive". Also, the letter O is often replaced by The Operator Symbol. When the player finds the last sign, it will show words of disappointment, such as "Why won't you just die? The way to tell when the player is close to a sign is when they hear ghostly whispering, and the whispering becomes louder the closer the player is to one.
They are often found on the sides of walls or buildings, though they can also appear on vehicles, trees, inside cabins, or even on gravestones and log piles. One of the biggest misunderstandings of the pages comes from their interpretation in Slender: The Eight Pages.
In Slender: The Eight Pages , should the player fail to collect all of the pages, they will be killed by Slender Man, prematurely ending their adventure, and granting the player a game over. Despite this, however, the actual power of the pages is highly debatable. Since Kate is taken over as a proxy in Slender: The Arrival , which also shows both Kate and Lauren surviving multiple encounters with Slender Man during the game even in situations without pages, it's very likely the pages are entirely unrelated to stopping Slender Man and are merely present to give the player a goal beyond wandering aimlessly through a forest with no way to "win the game".
Additionally, due to Slender Man being primarily silent, it makes it nearly impossible to deliver dialogue and do any form of narrative when the main antagonist of the story is incapable of talking.
To make up for this, the pages set an atmosphere for the player, ultimately allowing the player to understand the danger of Slender Man without him ever having to utter a single word.
Additionally many Slender Man based games require collecting 8 objects that are typically pages, sometimes more. As a result, it's likely the prevalence of the pages was not due to actually being related to Slender Man's power in any way, but being a convenient tool to keep the player moving that had already proven effective in the original works: Slender: The 8 Pages. Therefore it is best to save your sprint for evading Slenderman, and also getting in and out of areas like the Visitor Center before Slenderman can trap you inside.
The most important thing to note in this area is that while the park layout appears the same, the starting locations and landmarks - and which locations have one of the eight pages are completey random. Because of the random factor, a traditional walkthrough is useless. The best chance a player can have to navigate this area and make it out with the 8 pages, is remain calm, and visualize a map as best as possible.
The left side of the map contains the waters edge, while the right side has the tall grass. The middle always contains the rocky quarry with 3 exits. Because Slender: The Arrival relies heavily on scare tactics, the area becomes increasingly difficult to navigate with the constant threat of running into Slenderman, and rushing headlong into the woods to escape him.
The only remedy is to try to keep a level head, and seldom divert from the trails. Always remember where landmarks are in relation to each other, and remember which landmarks you have visited, and if they had one of the 8 pages. There are 10 landmarks - and most of them can appear in any region of the map. The two largest landmarks - The Visitor Center and the Storage Yard, will often be located on either side of the Quarry.
The 10 locations are as follows. A good method is to find an area you can indentify with the water's edge or the tall grass and follow the trails in a clockwise or counter clockwise manner. Once you have completed a full circle, begin again, taking the inner paths that connect to the outer paths. If Slenderman should appear, try to double back for a bit, and continue on once he has moved out of your way. You'll want to keep the flashlight on after about 3, so if and when you turn around, you can immediately double back as soon as you see him.
The music in the background will get more and more intense as you collect notes. To get around this, just hit your mute button. It can be awfully distracting which is the point. Be on super alert after the 5th note. If you do see him, line his face up with an object, so you can only see his arm or leg. When he's on the screen, he won't move. Then back away until you're out of range. Then get outta there! After about 5 notes, he will be right on your tail almost constantly.
Peeking at him when he is so close will get your character 'scared' and allow you to sprint very fast. Don't look behind you when you have 6 pages unless you have the guts to do so! So keep sprinting until you find the last note. This is why the bathroom is such a pain in the rear end. If you leave it for later, you'll be constantly turning around, trying to get out of it.
You're as good as dead. After you collect all 8 notes, stand around until the game ends. Depending on your version of the game, you will have unlocked a different mode -- a cruel, circular hell for the non-existent player in the game.
Method 2. Unlock "daytime mode" in version 0. After collecting all the pages from the first mode, you'll "wake up" in the daytime. It probably sounds easier, but it's not.
You don't have to worry about your flashlight, but everything else is just as intense. Beating this mode is no different from the standard version except for the fact that you'll hear 20 Dollars by Ron Browz playing in the background. Cheap date, huh? You can select these modes in the options screen and you can play both simultaneously, if you'd like. For version 0. The music is slightly different, the static is more prominent, and it runs like a prerecorded video. It's only a slight name change MH is one in the same, really.
You also have the options of using a crank lantern and a glow stick. What's more, you can pause the game as long as there isn't static on the screen. The more and more pages you collect, the less you can see. Fog will start rolling in, too. There are also more links in the menu, leading to forums and extra resources, etc. Yes, he was designed to have everything that a child would be naturally scared of.
Yes No. Not Helpful 4 Helpful Yes, he'll attack when the grace period is over. Listen for a stomping sound in the game. Not Helpful 8 Helpful It's just how the original creepypasta describes Slender - a tall, faceless monster. After collecting eight pages the stomping noise stops, then Slendermen forces you to look at him and then you get your typical "SlenderFace.
So yeah, it was going to happen anyway. Not Helpful 7 Helpful Can Slender still catch me if I pause the game? The music still plays when I pause, so I'm not sure. No, he can't.