The guide will be update with more trainers as we discover them. Feel free to provide a few of your own! Like this Game Guide? Subscribe to our Youtube channel to be the first to see our future Game Guide videos. Originally posted by Mephitic :. They're outside town.
Whiterun, they're to the left of the outer set of walls, Solitude the right of the outer walls. Dawnstar they are along the road, near the inn. Markarth, a bit father out of town, before the farms and mine. Windhelm and Riften, near the stables. I'm bumping and subscribing to this so I can have the reminder on hand. Thank you very much, both for the prompt and for the answer. Kids accessories dolls, wooden swords, clothes and the like can be purchased from any general store the ones that sell a bit of everything, not the weapon shops, alchemists, or mages selling spells.
The selection is random, so try several, until you get what you want. Gwizzz View Profile View Posts. The Khajiit actually walk between cities, so if they are not at either location they are somewhere in between.
I'm not sure if they are tagged as essential or if they can be killed but that is something else to consider. Originally posted by An Easy Target :.
Sybille Stentor. The College of Winterhold Gatekeeper , Faralda. Enchanting Trainers. Sergius Turrianus. Heavy Armor Trainers. Hermir Strongheart. Dushnikh Yal in The Reach.
Illusion Trainers. Largashbur in The Rift. Drevis Neloren. Lockpick Trainers. Part of the Khajiit Caravans. Ragged Flagon in Riften. Light Armor Trainers. Riften , marketplace stall. The Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary. One-handed Trainers. Wandering around Whiterun. Pickpocket Trainers. Silda the Unseen. Vipir the Fleet. Ragged Flagon Cistern in Riften. Restoration Trainers. Keeper Carcette.
Hall of the Vigilant. Colette Marence. Danica Pure-Spring. Temple of Kyrnareth in Whiterun. Smithing Trainers. Ghorza gra-Bagol. Riften , forge near market. Eorlund Gray-Mane. Skyforge in Whiterun. Sneak Trainers.