An update is not required, but it is strongly recommended to improve your browsing experience. Imperial Tobacco has extended its Embassy range with a Signature variety, comprising gold and silver options. The range features a blend of Virginia tobaccos wrapped in premium paper. Embassy Signature Silver also benefits from the addition of reduced smoke smell paper, designed to reduce the linger of smoke smell on clothes or fingers.
Register to comment and get exclusive content and subscribe to the online and print versions of Retail News. Use the links below to upgrade to a modern browser. Google Chrome. Mozilla Firefox. Knowledge Base Search Search over 10, retail ideas to grow your sales. Latest News Fascia Guides. Log in. The figures which are set out below are rounded averages and the brands are listed in order of tar yield, those with the lowest tar yield being at the top.
Where more than one brand have the same figure for tar yield, the brands with that figure are in alphabetical order. Differences between brands of up to 2 mg of tar can generally be ignored. The level of tar yield is regarded as more important to health than the level of nicotine. Cigarette smoke tar is known to contain substances which can cause W cancer and is thought also to be a major factor in causing bronchitis and emphysema.
There are good grounds for believing that those smokers who choose to continue smoking are less likely to damage their health if they smoke cigarettes with a low tar yield. Nicotine is known to have an effect on the heart and may help to cause heart disease.
Moritz F 1. During the period July to December , 10 new brands were introduced but were not analysed by the Government Chemist as they were not available for the whole of the six months. Estimates by the manufacturers for these brands of cigarettes are as follows:.
Crown F 1. This information about tar and nicotine yields of cigarettes is to be made available in poster and leaflet form and will be given wide publicity by the Health Education Council and others.