What is the difference between potency and purity

Like this: Like Loading Posted in Bioanalysis , General , Quality Assurance. Please give details. Like Like Reply. Mg and Ca how potency can b calculated Like Like Reply. Regards suman Like Like Reply. Purity angle and Threshold angle? Potency formula is incorrect. Looking forward to your answer, thank you! Incredible read! Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:.

Email required Address never made public. Name required. Incurred Sample Reanalysis : Discussions ». Follow Following. Amit Patel's Blogs!!! Join other followers. Sign me up. Already have a WordPress. Potency can change significantly over time if the material is hygroscopic, while the purity may remain the same.

In some cases, you can not simply use the equation listed by JGK to calculate potency. Regards, JZT. Strange nomenclature. I could understand it if one talked about a substance which is chemically undefined and activity units instead of weight is used to have a handle on amount. If a substance contains H2O, etc. Also, why would chromatography not indicate the presence of water. This is generally useed in cases where chromatography is used for area percent detection of the main coumpound and impurities in the absence of a reference std against which to assay the material.

It seems understandable if you called this a "blind value" instead of "purity". This means a highly potent drug can give the desired response in a low dose.

In contrast, a drug having a low potency gives the desired response at a high dose. The response given for a drug is the effect of the drug on our body. This effect depends on both the binding of the drug with the receptor affinity and the production of the response after the attachment of the drug with a receptor efficacy.

At lower doses of the drug, the effect is also low. When the dose increases, the effect also increases until it reaches the maximum possible effect of the drug. But when the dose is further increased, the effect does not raise. And also even if the dose of the drug is increased, there can be some side effect as well. Therefore, a higher potency sometimes results in side effects. When the effect is equal to half of the Emax, the concentration of the drug is called half maximal effect concentration.

This value is the potency of the drug. An assay is an experiment used commonly in chemistry and biochemistry in order to analyze a sample qualitatively and quantitatively.


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