A child with a weight of 29 — 32 will wear a 3T. Now you know the size to get besides knowing how many toddler socks you really need or other items you might need to buy. Buying clothes from different retail stores can sometimes be frustrating because sizes vary from clothing brands and retail store brands. Both age groups are slightly bigger than the industry standard. At Nordstrom a 2T is defined as having a weight of 28 — 30lbs and a height of The 3T size has a general weight of 33 — 36lbs with a height of 39 — 42 inches, which makes their clothes ideal for taller toddlers.
Simply put, the 2T and 3T sizes are for smaller, shorter toddlers. By the way, did you know there are some tips and tricks I wrote about on how to get your toddler to wear hats during different seasons? Your email address will not be published. Other children will jump straight into 3T clothing.
There is not one answer to this question, it comes down to trial and error at the end of the day. However, the sizes on the label are a good guide for you to use. A 3 year old will often transition into 3T clothes around or after their 3rd birthday. However it is normal for your 3 year old to still wear their 2T clothing beyond this milestone or even to jump into age 4 sized clothing before their 4th birthday.
Remember every brand fits differently and the size on the label is a guide but not the rule. You may find that a 2T in the US comes up smaller than an age 2 or labelled item from another country. The same goes for 3T versus age 3 or Be prepared to try different sizes than you may buy in the US when you purchase clothes from other countries. Furthermore, you typically find that other countries and regions only have one size for the equivalent for 2T and 3T.
There a few little differences here and there. You see why you have to really try clothes on before you buy them for your toddler! While the height is slightly shorter, the weight is slightly above the standard size. At Nordstrom, 2T is for lbs and Finally a quick look at Target reveals that 2T is for lbs and 33— This is the closest to the standard recommendation for height and weight. At Carters, 3T is for lbs and Some retailers will offer sizing based on age, while others offer the standard XS-XL sizing, which typically translates to:.
Some brands, such as Justice, use a mix of sizing. The key is to pay attention to the height and weight specifications for each. Justice also offers chest, waist and hip measurements for added fit assistance. Slim offers a smaller waist than typical sizing, while Husky is akin to Plus Size.
While British sizing is based on age, like American sizing, the rest of Europe bases sizing guides on height. For example, Swedish company Hanna Andersson uses centimeter sizing based on height, while British apparel company Boden bases sizes on age.
When shopping European brands, you may need guidance on size chart conversion. International conversion charts can be helpful.