What is overpronation vs. underpronation

Growing up, my mom always talked about using items the way they were intended to be used like sliding down the slide, not walking up it and getting things that fit right. The right shoe for your gait makes a difference. Similarly, underpronators tend to prefer more cushioning. Stability shoes will feel too stiff, while neutral or more plush shoes will add the spring high-arched feet struggle to provide on their own. There is a possibility that wearing a neutral shoe as an overpronator may lead to injuries in the feet, ankles, and knees.

This is, however, up for some debate. There are a couple ways to determine what your gait pattern is. This one is pretty easy. Do you see a lot of wear on the inner side of the shoe? Do you see more wear on the outer edge of the shoe?

Simply wet your feet and then place them on a paper bag, paper towel, or even the floor if it will make an imprint. Then examine what your footprint looks like. If you have a medium arch, meaning that roughly half of your arch is filled in, you have normal pronation.

But if your arch area is mostly filled in, you likely overpronate. Finally, you can always get fitted at a running store. It is part of the natural movement that helps the lower leg deal with shock. Some people pronate more overpronation or less underpronation than others. Let us go through the differences between normal, under, and overpronation so that you can see where your feet land, and pick the best shoes for the support that you need.

This allows your foot to support your body weight without any problems by optimally distributing the impact from each step. With underpronation, the outside of the heel will still make initial contact with the ground. After that, the inward movement of the foot occurs at less than fifteen percent or almost none which then means that the full impact of each step is concentrated on a smaller area of the foot along the outside edge and is not distributed as efficiently.

This also means that during the push-off phase as your foot is leaving the ground again most of the work is done by the smaller toes on the outside of the foot.

People who underpronate tend to have high arches. Once again, with this gait type, your foot will still strike at the outside of the heel first. At that point, the foot will roll inward more than fifteen percent which means that your foot and ankle have problems stabilizing your body.

As you push off, the front of your foot will push off the ground using mainly the big toe and second toe, which then has to carry all of your body weight. Healthcare Professionals, offer custom orthotics at your practice. Foot Levelers. Search for:. Down and dirty differences between pronation vs supination? Diagram showing difference between supination vs pronation. Pronation vs Supination When bodyweight is placed on the outside of the foot while walking or running, it is known as supination.

Causes While identifying supination or pronation is easy, it can be difficult to pinpoint the exact cause. Treatment The good news is that treatment of supination or pronation is easily achieved, which can help reduce long-term discomfort and susceptibility to injury. Plantar Fasciitis vs. Request a List of Healthcare Providers near you who offer Foot Levelers products and outstanding care.

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The foot lifts off with a push from these toes — this places an excessive strain on a specific area of the foot and can lead to various other problems. Pronation Shoe wear pattern: The running shoes of overpronators are likely to be worn in the middle of the heel and near the big toe. When placed on a flat surface, they may tilt inwards. The imprint for overpronation will show a very narrow foot arch, showing an overreliance on the outside of the foot during walking or running.

After the heel strikes the ground, the foot rolls forward on its outer edge and pushes off the ground using the little toes. This places inordinate stress on these areas of the foot and carries an increased risk of certain injuries. Ankle sprains and plantar fasciitis are relatively common among under pronators. Pronation shoe wear pattern: Overpronators will see wear on the outside heel and edge of their running shoes.

When placed on a flat surface, they might lean outwards slightly.


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