Click the right and left arrows to nest or un-nest pages under other pages. This is how drop-down menus are created. Click Save Changes at the top to save the changes. An example of a drop-down menu on the Rivington theme. Click on the Reorder link. Click Save Changes to publish your changes to the site.
Click Add Items. Click the Custom Links option. In the URL field enter the symbol, as shown in the image on the right. In the Link Text field enter the text you want to appear in your menu, as shown in the image on the right. Click Add to Menu. Click on a menu item to expose the Remove link to delete a specific item.
You can change the name of the menu item as it appears on your site. Not quite what you're looking for? Get Help. Get Started Create your own website. Join us! Loading Comments Email Name Website. So that users can navigate to a specific page or post regardless of where they are on your site. Creating a menu in WordPress is easy.
Many of the best WordPress themes include a pre-made demo as a primary navigation menu which you can easily customize later. Menus in WordPress are simple. You create one, you add items to it, and then, you publish it. Then, your visitors will be able to see and use the menu. The number of menus and menu locations , though, depends on the particular WordPress theme you are using.
You can only add menus to the menu locations defined by the WordPress theme. You cannot create and display menus in locations not pre-defined by the theme. But, in addition you can also add custom menus on sidebars and widget locations. There are different types of menus in WordPress. It depends on things like the menu location or the number of levels you have in your menu. A single level menu has only one layer of items. Clicking on those items will navigate you to the link provided within the items.
This type of menu is the most common form of menu you can find on most websites. Similarly, social menus are generally single-level menus, because they only contain links to social media pages. A multi-level menu, on the other hand, has two or more layers of items. Primarily, you will only see the first layer or the main items of the menu. But if you hover your mouse over or click the main item, then its sub-items will appear. The levels can go on forever as per the needs of the website.
Dropdown Menus: WordPress Dropdown menus feature a dropdown interface. If you hover your mouse over the main item, then a list of its sub-items will dropdown. If you want to learn more, then check our article on creating a dropdown menu in WordPress. They contain many items presented in a dropdown layout.
Simply clicking or hovering your mouse over the main item will open up a huge number of sub-items to choose from. Creating a WordPress menu is simpler than it sounds. As mentioned above, your WordPress theme may have a pre-made menu. Preview your website to see how it looks. If you want to create a new menu and display it on your site, then you can start following the steps here now.
Firstly, log-in to your WordPress dashboard. Notice that on your left-hand side is a WordPress Dashboard Menu. It also gives you an idea of what a menu is and what a menu should be like.
On the Appearance tab of your Dashboard Menu, select the option Menus. This will show you your Menu Editor. This is your menu editor window. Your WordPress menu is created, but it does not have any items. The items you add to your menu can be blog posts, pages, or custom links.
Simply follow these steps to add different items to your menu:. Under the Add menu items section, you will see different panes. There you can choose what you want to add to your menu. There are pages, posts, custom links, and categories. In that pane, click on View All. This will show you a list of all the pages that are published on your site. After you click the Add to Menu button, the pages will be added to your WordPress menu.
You can confirm that by looking under the Menu Structure section on the left. The items you selected and added will appear there. To direct your users to a page or a post that is not on your website, you can use custom links. To add custom links to your website:. As mentioned before, the items you add to your menu will appear under the menu structure section. Check to see if your desired items are added to your menu. Finally, to save the items you added to your menu, click on the Save Menu button.
You have created your menu and added items to it. Your menu is now ready to be published on your website. You have added all the items needed for your WordPress menu. But it is still only in the dashboard. However, it is also important for you to understand the best way to incorporate menus. So we recommend you do a little planning to create a sitemap or at least a navigational strategy before you take the next step in creating the menus for your site.
If you don't have a menu set up yet, you can simply select Create New Menu to get started. You'll be given the option to name your menu and choose where it will appear. Keep in mind that the potential locations for your menu will vary depending on your theme.
When you've made your choices here, click on Next , then select the Add Items button. On the next screen, you'll be presented with all of your site's pages and posts, categories, custom links, and anything else that can be included. Just click on an item to add it to your menu. If you make a mistake, you can select the red X icon to delete an entry. You can even create new content here and immediately add it to your menu.
For example, to add a new page you simply need to type a name for it into the box at the bottom of the Pages section, then select the Add button. As you include items, you should see them appear on your site in the preview panel. Next up is arguably the easiest part of setting up your WordPress menus.