What do footprints mean on sims

Zombies Heroes Other Plants vs. Footprints with a red x thought bubble with every command. Me too. Message 1 of 3 Views. Reply 0. Re: Footprints with a red x thought bubble with every command. December it means they either can't reach the area where they have to go or do not have enough space arround them to do the action. Make sure everything is reachable and not too cluttered. Message 2 of 3 Views. With the release of the November game patch, Sim Whims have been turned off and are now controlled in the Game Options menu.

It indicates your Sims next action or task example you click on use toilet it appears in box as next action for sim to complete. Your can delete action by pressing B to void action.

Try clicking on the coffee maker. I have just bought the Sims 4 Get Together and it has downloaded into my game, but the game does not recognise as a pack. It is because the way there is blocked, either the path or the machine is facing the wrong way. And in the kitchen. Just make sure to not delete any files and make a backup. Try on a new game with nothing added back first start new game.

Blue footprints appear in a speech bubble above your sims head as can be seen in the image below:. How do I fix this issue? Look at items around the area where the object is and the object itself, it may be that the object is facing the wrong way or you may be missing a door to get into the room.

They appear when you are trying to do an action that your sim cannot do, for example a toddler cannot use a shower so if you were playing as the toddler and you clicked on the shower this red cross will appear. You need to use a different aged sim if you want to use that item. Related Post: Beginners Guide.

Hi i have android phone, please could u add me as a neighbor? I cant complete task to win those purple lps….. I really would like to know what is your facebook so I can visit your sim town!!!!!! Oh, and your blog is amazingly helpful thanks a lot!!!!!!!! What do I do :S Thanks Fizzy xox You need an adult and a toddler, get the toddler to click have a bath and the adult will go with them.

I want the prize in the toddlers quest, so i tried to make a sim get a serious advice from the park statue beforehand, but a red cross appeared.


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