What do basalt and granite have in common

White and black granite are both timeless. The speckled granites with pink, peach, gold or brown will dictate your whole kitchen color scheme. If you are looking for a premium material at affordable prices, Rosy Pink is the best match for your requirements. This is a very hard and durable granite. Granite, like any other stone, may contain veins of naturally occurring radioactive elements like uranium, thorium, and their radioactive decay products.

If present, uranium, thorium or radium will decay into radon, a colorless, odorless, radioactive gas that may cause lung cancer. Granite is a magnificent material, which is durable and glossy. It is also one of the oldest stone, which is being used as a strong flooring material. The granite gives your floors a magnificent grandeur to home and office. The long useful life of granite has been demonstrated over the centuries in structures such as Roman aqueducts or roads.

It is a tough, highly resilient material that requires almost no maintenance. Marble and granite are best for health and because they are naturally available and also because of non porous nature. The most durable form of flooring, granite used extensively throughout human history. Polished floors are a toxic-free flooring alternative. They also are easy to maintain. Begin typing your search term above and press enter to search. Since basalt is mafic, it contains minerals with significant iron and magnesium.

The minerals making up basalt include pyroxene, plagioclase feldspar, amphibole, and some olivine. Volcanic glasses are also present. Basalt forms at the surface where it will harden from lava. Places where basalt is abundant include mid oceanic ridges, hot spots, and rift basins.

Because it forms at the surface, basalt will cool relatively quickly within a few days to a few months and, as a result, the minerals grains in basalt are fine grained and difficult to see with the unaided eye. The mid oceanic ridges are a type of boundary between two tectonic plates composed of oceanic crust.

It is at the mid oceanic ridges where new oceanic crust is formed. The upper km of the oceanic crust is basalt. The basalt that forms at the mid oceanic ridges has a specific composition that makes it distinctive, as a result, basalt deposits that form at the mid oceanic ridges are called MORB Mid-Oceanic-Ridge-Basalt deposits or MORBs. Hotspots are regions near the base of the crust where a plume of hot mantle material causes volcanic activity at the surface.

When hotspots occur beneath oceanic crust, the resulting molten rock will often produce basaltic lavas. Examples of basalt deposits that form at hotspots include the basalt bedrock of the Hawaiian Islands. The Martian volcanoes of Tharsis, Olympus Mons, Ascreaus Mons, and Arsia Mons, are likely examples of hotspot volcanism on a much larger scale than terrestrial cases.

Basalt is also commonly formed at continental rifts. Mantle plumes can form beneath the continental crust causing extension of the lithosphere and the production of significant melt in the crust. If the melt extrudes onto the surface, this can lead to extensive basalt flows that form what are called flood basalts where hundreds of square kilometers of basaltic lava can be produced.

Granite is an intrusive igneous rock with a felsic composition. Granite makes up the cores of continents and much of the bulk of major mountain ranges around the world. Furthermore, many of the continental rock formations are ultimately derived from granite that either was destroyed by weathering and erosion or metamorphosed.

Granite is also one of the most recognizable rocks to most people. Granite is classified as a felsic rock, meaning that it has significant amounts of feldspar and quartz. The primary minerals making up granite include quartz, feldspars, micas, and sometimes pyroxene, but mostly quartz and feldspar. Because granite often has excess potassium from alkali feldspars, granite is slightly radioactive because radioactive potassium 40 K is relatively common.

Granite is the ultimate silicate rock. Relatively small amounts of iron and magnesium occur, but since they have generally higher densities it's not surprising that there isn't very much in the granite.

Due to the process of differentiation , most of the heavier elements are moving towards the core of the earth, allowing the silicon and oxygen to accumulate on the surface.

And accumulate it has. We call this purified material felsic because of the relatively high percentage of silica and oxygen. Basalt is extrusive. The magma from which it cools breaks through the crust of the earth and erupts on the surface. We call these types of events volcanic eruptions , and there are several main types. The volcanoes that make basalt are very common, and tend to form long and persistent zones of rifting in nearly all of the ocean basins. We now believe that these undersea volcanic areas represent huge spreading ridges where the earth's crust is separating.

It's a lot like a cut on your arm, which will bleed until a scab forms. Rough-cut and polished granite is used in buildings, monuments, bridges, paving, and many other exterior projects. For the indoor project, polished granite slabs and tiles are used in stair treads, countertops, tile floors, and many other practical and decorative features.

It is also used as an aggregate of crushed stone. In the said form it is used as a base material at construction sites, as an aggregate in road construction, foundations, railroad ballast, and anywhere that a crushed stone is useful as fill.

There are three kinds of rock on earth igneous rock, metamorphic rock and sedimentary rock. Basalt and Granite are two of the different type of igneous rock. One can easily get confused out of basalt and granite being kinds of igneous rock but there are several ways they differ from each other.

Therefore, both these rocks have a distinct specification that makes them dissimilar.


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