The BE form uses big-endian byte serialization most significant byte first , the LE form uses little-endian byte serialization least significant byte first and the unmarked form uses big-endian byte serialization by default, but may include a byte order mark at the beginning to indicate the actual byte serialization used.
Therefore, it works well in any environment where ASCII characters have a significance as syntax characters, e. This format is not standard for text files, but well defined in the framework of the languages in question, primarily for source files. Again, these are not standard for plain text files, but well defined within the framework of these markup languages.
This format compresses Unicode into 8-bit format, preserving most of ASCII, but using some of the control codes as commands for the decoder. A: That depends on the circumstances: Of these four approaches, d uses the least space, but cannot be used transparently in most 8-bit environments.
A: All four require that the receiver can understand that format, but a is considered one of the three equivalent Unicode Encoding Forms and therefore standard. The use of b , or c out of their given context would definitely be considered non-standard, but could be a good solution for internal data transmission.
The use of SCSU is itself a standard for compressed data streams but few general purpose receivers support SCSU, so it is again most useful in internal data transmission. A: UTF-8 is the byte-oriented encoding form of Unicode. For details of its definition, see Section 2. Make sure you refer to the latest version of the Unicode Standard, as the Unicode Technical Committee has tightened the definition of UTF-8 over time to more strictly enforce unique sequences and to prohibit encoding of certain invalid characters.
Q: Is the UTF-8 encoding scheme the same irrespective of whether the underlying processor is little endian or big endian?
A: Yes. Since UTF-8 is interpreted as a sequence of bytes, there is no endian problem as there is for encoding forms that use bit or bit code units. A: There is only one definition of UTF As one 4-byte sequence or as two separate 3-byte sequences? A: The definition of UTF-8 requires that supplementary characters those using surrogate pairs in UTF be encoded with a single 4-byte sequence.
However, there is a widespread practice of generating pairs of 3-byte sequences in older software, especially software which pre-dates the introduction of UTF or that is interoperating with UTF environments under particular constraints.
Such an encoding is not conformant to UTF-8 as defined. When using CESU-8, great care must be taken that data is not accidentally treated as if it was UTF-8, due to the similarity of the formats.
A different issue arises if an unpaired surrogate is encountered when converting ill-formed UTF data. By representing such an unpaired surrogate on its own as a 3-byte sequence, the resulting UTF-8 data stream would become ill-formed.
While it faithfully reflects the nature of the input, Unicode conformance requires that encoding form conversion always results in a valid data stream. Therefore a converter must treat this as an error. A: UTF uses a single bit code unit to encode the most common 63K characters, and a pair of bit code units, called surrogates, to encode the 1M less commonly used characters in Unicode.
Originally, Unicode was designed as a pure bit encoding, aimed at representing all modern scripts. Ancient scripts were to be represented with private-use characters. Over time, and especially after the addition of over 14, composite characters for compatibility with legacy sets, it became clear that bits were not sufficient for the user community.
Out of this arose UTF A: Surrogates are code points from two special ranges of Unicode values, reserved for use as the leading, and trailing values of paired code units in UTF They are called surrogates, since they do not represent characters directly, but only as a pair. A: The Unicode Standard used to contain a short algorithm, now there is just a bit distribution table.
Here are three short code snippets that translate the information from the bit distribution table into C code that will convert to and from UTF The next snippet does the same for the low surrogate. Finally, the reverse, where hi and lo are the high and low surrogate, and C the resulting character. A caller would need to ensure that C, hi, and lo are in the appropriate ranges. A: There is a much simpler computation that does not try to follow the bit distribution table. They are well acquainted with the problems that variable-width codes have caused.
In SJIS, there is overlap between the leading and trailing code unit values, and between the trailing and single code unit values. This causes a number of problems: It causes false matches. It prevents efficient random access. To know whether you are on a character boundary, you have to search backwards to find a known boundary. It makes the text extremely fragile. In binary digits, the two bytes representing a code point in this interval look like this:. The marker bits are the and 10 bits of the two bytes.
The Y and Z characters represents the bits used to represent the code point value. The first byte most significant byte is the byte to the left.
In binary digits, the three bytes representing a code point in this interval look like this:. The marker bits are the and 10 bits of the three bytes. The X , Y and Z characters the bits used to represent the code point value.
In binary digits, the four bytes representing a code point in this interval look like this:. The marker bits are the and 10 bits of the four bytes. The bits named V and W mark the code point plane the character is from. The rest of the bits marked with X , Y and Z represent the rest of the code point.
The first byte most significant byte is the byte on the left. When reading UTF-8 encoded bytes into characters, you need to figure out if a given character code point is represented by 1, 2, 3 or 4 bytes. You do so by looking at the bit pattern of the first byte. If the first byte has the bit pattern 0ZZZZZZZ most significant byte is a 0 then the character code point is represented only by this byte.
Search for vulnerabilities resulting from the violation of this rule on the CERT website. The section on handling invalid inputs describes a problem without providing any useful advice.
If you can't provide any useful advice, you should probably just eliminate the material. Incorporate the description of what the RFC says into the article, and add a reference to the actual document in the reference section.
All your references are incorrectly formatted. It should be noted that although UTF-8 originated from the Plan 9 developers, Plan 9's own support only covers the low bit range. In general, many "Unicode" systems only support that range, not the full bit ISO code space. The table is misleading at the moment - I started to edit it, but I'm not sure what you're trying to show with it.
I suspect you are trying to delineate the minimal ranges, and attempting to exclude the non-minimal ranges. It might be easier to do that in a second table. The first table should document the basic UTF-8 notation. The second should list the ranges of proscribed values. I think that would be easier to understand. Whether you want to get into issues with byte-order marks and non-breaking zero-width spaces and the like is debatable.
So the quote should be updated to refer to RFC The table is not only misleading, but technically wrong. Active 1 year, 1 month ago. Viewed k times. If UTF-8 is 8 bits, does it not mean that there can be only maximum of different characters? How does this work? Read my answer: stackoverflow. I answered this question a while ago in an attempt to straight it up: it'd be great if you'd weigh it against the chosen answer which is literally just a single wikipedia quote that doesn't tell the whole story hopefully my update is a lot clearer — Evan Carroll.
Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. UTF-8 does not use one byte all the time, it's 1 to 4 bytes. There is something i dont get it.! BMP uses 2 bytes you say is 3? However, for UTF-8, you also need to encode how long it will be, so you lose some bits. Which is why you need 3 bytes to encode the complete BMP. This may seem as wasteful, but remember that UTF always uses 2 bytes, but UTF-8 uses one byte per character for most latin-based language characters.
Making it twice as compact. The main thrust of the OP's question is related to why it is called UTF- 8 -- this doesn't really answer that. CodeClown42 CodeClown42 No, I mean 3 bytes. In that example, if the first byte of a multibyte sequence begins , the first 1 indicates that it is the beginning of a multibyte sequence, then the number of consecutive 1's after that indicates the number of additional bytes in the sequence so a first byte will begin either , , or Found proof for your words in RFC However, I don't understand why do I need to place "10" in the beginning of the second byte xxxxx 10xxxxxx?
Why not just xxxxx xxxxxxxx? Found answer in softwareengineering. Just for safety reasons in case a single byte in the middle of the stream is corrupted — kolobok. Sans safety you could then encode a bit value in 3 bytes 3 bits indicating the length, plus bits.
I'm guessing that NickL asked this but what happened to the rest of the bits in that first byte if the Show 2 more comments. Unicode vs UTF-8 Unicode resolves code points to characters. Unicode Unicode is designated with "planes. Rather than explain all the nuances, let me just quote the above article on planes.
UTF-8 Now let's go back to the article linked above, The encoding scheme used by UTF-8 was designed with a much larger limit of 2 31 code points 32, planes , and can encode 2 21 code points 32 planes even if limited to 4 bytes. Evan Carroll Evan Carroll Community Bot 1 1 1 silver badge.