Uncharted 3 who is charlie

He is an old friend of Nathan and Sullivan, as well as Chloe for a time. It is also implied that he has met Elena Fisher, but apparently not as an ally. Besides that, little is known. Claudia Black voices the character. What happened to Chloe and Charlie in Uncharted 3? Where did Chloe go in Uncharted 3? Where is Chloe from Uncharted? Why did Nate and Chloe break up? What happened Charlie Cutter? Does Nate end up with Elena?

He first appeared as one of Katherine Marlowe 's thugs, but after shooting Nate and Sully he revealed his true identity. He assists Nate, Sully, and Chloe as they break into Marlowe's hideout. Charlie is able to climb and fight just as well as Nate and Sully. Uncharted 3 Wiki Guide. Last Edited: 27 Nov am. Was this guide helpful? The three then fight their way out of the library, meet up with Chloe, and make it back to the hideout. They figure out that Lawrence had traveled to Syria and France.

Cutter eventually gains the advantage over Nate and starts choking him to death. Sully and Chloe then come to try to get Cutter off of Nate but fail. Sully resorts to shooting Cutter to stop him, but Chloe steps in and gets through to Cutter, making him realize that he is killing Nate. Cutter stops and withdraws from the effect of the drug. As they make their way outside following their time in the crypt, they are encountered by Talbot and his men at gunpoint.

Cutter pretends to still be drugged and points his gun at his comrades, forcing them to disarm themselves. Talbot orders Cutter to pull the trigger, but Cutter shoots Talbot and his henchman. Nate, Sully, and Chloe then flee and escape by jumping onto scaffolding, but it collapses as Cutter reaches it, trapping him. Talbot then appears, and Cutter is shocked and horrified to find that he has suffered no ill effects from being shot. He is then forced to hand over his half of the amulet.

Marlowe has her men pour gasoline before Cutter and ignites it. Cutter having only one way out, jumps off the tower, breaking his leg from the fall. With a broken leg, Chloe takes him home, concluding his role in the game as well as Chloe's. Despite not appearing, references to Cutter appear frequently - a sticky note on Nate's attic filing cabinet says to call him, with additional mentions to events that occurred with him.

Later, Nate refers to Cutter directly as his "go-to guy" when he initially declines Sam's request for help.


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