Examples of symptoms caused by low testosterone in men include:. A boy will typically start puberty at around age If this is delayed, low testosterone levels could be the cause. Possible causes of low testosterone in men include:. Early puberty can be caused by tumors and a condition known as congenital adrenal hyperplasia.
In women, excess testosterone can cause a condition known as hirsutism. This causes a woman to develop body hair in a male fashion, including on the face. Virilization is another condition caused by excess testosterone. This causes a woman to have a masculine appearance. Symptoms can include male pattern baldness and a deep voice.
Taking certain medications can increase testosterone levels in both men and women. Examples of these medications include:. After this time, they will gradually decrease for the rest of his life. Testosterone levels are estimated to decrease by 1 percent annually after age 30 to Therefore, lower testosterone levels are more common among older men.
This explains some of the age-related changes in men, such as loss of muscle mass. When a woman starts to experience menopause, her testosterone levels are half of what they were at their peak. The ovaries will continue to produce testosterone after menopause but stop producing estrogen and progesterone. Most age-related changes in women are caused by a lack of estrogen and progesterone. Treating the condition that is causing high or low testosterone levels can help restore levels.
Your doctor can prescribe testosterone replacement to correct low levels. There are several treatments for hypogonadism or low testosterone. Examples include:. Both men and women may take testosterone therapy. A woman may take testosterone to improve sex drive and reduce sexual dysfunction. However, women must have an appropriate level of estrogen before treatment.
You should have regular checkups with your doctor while undergoing TRT. The child may have reduced development of pubic hair, growth of the penis and testes, and deepening of the voice. Around the time of puberty, boys with too little testosterone may also have less than normal strength and endurance, and their arms and legs may continue to grow out of proportion with the rest of their body.
Testosterone levels in men decline naturally as they age. In the media, this is sometimes referred to as the male menopause andropause. Low testosterone levels can cause mood disturbances, increased body fat , loss of muscle tone, inadequate erections and poor sexual performance, osteoporosis , difficulty with concentration, memory loss and sleep difficulties.
However, there is a lot of research currently in progress to find out more about the effects of testosterone in older men and also whether the use of testosterone replacement therapy would have any benefits. About Contact Events News. Search Search. You and Your Hormones. Students Teachers Patients Browse. Human body. Home Hormones Testosterone. Testosterone Testosterone is a hormone that is responsible for many of the physical characteristics specific to adult males. It plays a key role in reproduction and the maintenance of bone and muscle strength.
How is testosterone controlled? What happens if I have too much testosterone? Testosterone is most often associated with sex drive and plays a vital role in sperm production. It also affects bone and muscle mass, the way men store fat in the body, and even red blood cell production. Low levels of testosterone, also called low T levels, can produce a variety of symptoms in men, including:. While testosterone production naturally tapers off as a man ages, other factors can cause hormone levels to drop.
Injury to the testicles and cancer treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation can negatively affect testosterone production. Chronic health conditions and stress can also reduce testosterone production. Some of these include:. Testosterone levels decline steadily in adult women, however, low T levels can also produce a variety of symptoms, including:. Low T levels in women can be caused by removal of the ovaries as well as diseases of the pituitary, hypothalamus, or adrenal glands.
A simple blood test can determine testosterone levels. Low testosterone levels could be a sign of pituitary gland problems. The pituitary gland sends a signaling hormone to the testicles to produce more testosterone. But a young teen with low testosterone levels might be experiencing delayed puberty. Moderately elevated testosterone levels in men may produce few noticeable symptoms. Boys with higher levels of testosterone may begin puberty earlier.
Women with high testosterone may develop masculine features. Abnormally high levels of testosterone could be the result of an adrenal gland disorder, or even cancer of the testes. High testosterone levels may also occur in less serious conditions.