Running regularly will improve stamina , making workouts more enjoyable and productive. But an earlier study found that older adults with running experience tend to stop themselves falling more successfully after tripping up than those without, recovering with a single step.
Running helps your thinker think and stay happy. People who set and meet or exceed long-term fitness goals like signing up for a half-marathon may end up feeling more committed to and satisfied with their exercise routines than those who trudge along aimlessly. Goal-setting then becomes an upward spiral — you set the goals to motivate yourself, then hit the goals to motivate yourself further and set even more impressive targets. Turns out Bruce Springsteen was right: We were born to run.
Running turned us from apes to humans and was used by our ancestors to catch prey and elude predators oh, how sneaky we were. Running is a great chance to reconnect with the part of you that gets a kick out of dodging wooly mammoth charges. Runners tend to adapt to set sleeping routines that give them the foundation to maintain high performance.
Exercise has been shown to help keep the mind sharp. Still, getting your legs going can help clear your head and bring renewed focus. Ready to pull your hair out? Instead of tuning in to a brainless reality TV marathon, try running an actual marathon. Not only does physical activity reduce the levels of stress hormones, like cortisol, doing it regularly might actually remodel the brain , making it calmer and more stress resistant — it certainly did so in a study on mice.
If your mood is low or you feel in a funk, going on a run can help you clear your head and feel better. A review found that studies support a link between running and improved mood. Need another excuse to go green? One earlier study found that runners who ran outside and snagged a good view of nature showed increased self-esteem post-workout than those who had only unpleasant scenes to gaze at.
A more recent study posited running as a therapy tool for self-esteem issues. We looked deeper into the benefits of running outdoors here. Running is about as wholesome as this story about a family finding a koala bear in a Christmas tree. Even better: Lace up your sneakers on your next vacation to explore a new place. Just make sure, for safety, you let someone know an approximate time you should be back.
Check out local running groups or websites like Meetup and hit the road with other health-minded folks. Twenty questions is just as good during a run boozy brunches afterward are optional. Forget fancy equipment or a pricey gym membership: When it comes to running, all you need is the right footwear. And maybe the right gear for when it gets cold. Forget boring laps around a track. Interval training helps boost metabolism and rev up your cardiovascular fitness. Bonus: Research shows people who do intervals have more fun while running really!
Be sure to mix up your running routine. Grab a leash and give your pet a new kind of treat. You can rack up the miles no matter what the weatherman says just dress appropriately!
Be prepared to apologize every time you go in for a pedicure; it's best to warn the nail technician for what they are about to see because it won't be pretty. Ironically, despite having alien feet, you will post more pictures of your sweet running kicks on social media than ever before.
In addition, watch selfies will be a regular feature on your Insta feed as well. If you don't post about how far you run, did it really even happen?
To speak runner, you need to know the language. So many new words! Your non-running friends will begin to avoid you just so they don't have to hear about your last race. No worries though. Everyone will see it on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter anyway because you post about every. Driving down a street, you may see a runner and instantly wish it were you pounding the pavement.
Even though you just ran that morning, you still want to run. If you are injured, you'll want to run. If you are on a bike, you'll wish you were running. You just want to run. Running is your favorite! If you can endure the horrible side effects of running, lace up your running shoes. Running can and most likely will change your life for the better.
It's totally worth all the horrible side effects just to endure the glory of a great run. More Running Articles. Look for this banner for recommended activities. Cancel Yes. If you have high cholesterol, running can also help keep it in check. Running and other weight-bearing exercises also increase bone density , which can fend off osteoporosis.
Including running into your fitness routine can also improve your immune system, so your body is more effective and efficient at fighting off germs. Many people start running to lose some extra pounds. As one of the most vigorous exercises out there, running is an extremely efficient way to burn calories and lose weight. If you're already at a healthy weight, running can help you maintain it. This means that the number of calories you burn after a workout is increased when you include running in your fitness routine.
However, some runners do notice an upswing in their weight, and often and often wonder why they are not losing weight with running.
Simply put, running does not give you a license to eat anything you want. The basic rule of weight loss is that you must burn through life functions and exercise more calories than you take in. Be sure to follow a proper running plan and a healthy, calorie-appropriate nutrition plan if you are looking to lose weight.
Some runners enjoy the quiet and solitude of running on their own, but others see running time as a social opportunity. Finding a running buddy or running with a group is a great way to develop a sense of community. You can set goals and accomplish them together. In addition, having a regular running buddy or running group is a great way to stay motivated to run.
Some runners also share advice and motivation with other runners in online forums or through social media. You can meet other people who share your obsession with running, discover a space to celebrate your triumphs, and find help to overcome any obstacles you may face in your training.
Safer workouts, increased motivation, improved performance, reduced boredom, and a sense of community are just a few of the benefits that come with group running.
Running can also be used as a way to contribute to society as a whole. Many races benefit charities, and some charities offer race training in exchange for fund-raising.
Running for something that's bigger than yourself is a great way to stay motivated to keep training and can make your races even more meaningful and fulfilling.
Most charities organizing a marathon will provide plenty of support for their runners. This usually means that before, during, and after an event you can find training plans, as well as fundraising tips for runners , in the weeks leading up to the race. You will also be able to get help with other arrangements to ensure you feel well prepared when you are standing on the start line. This type of support can help those who are new to running races develop a sound running plan while taking part in a good cause.
Vital functions in mental ability, such as switching between tasks, problem-solving, and memory recall are better in people who participate in aerobic activity, like running. What's more, running may help guard you against Alzheimer's disease and other diseases that affect cognitive ability. Some people hate to exercise just for the sake of exercising, but with running, you can train for a goal, like running a special race.
And having a goal can help improve your motivation to run. From 5Ks to half marathons and beyond, you can find 5K training plans , 10K training plans , and half marathon training plans that set you up with a solid and consistent plan that is different from just using gym equipment like elliptical machines. Training for a race gives you a specific goal to work toward, and once you are over your racing fears , you will have new goals to work towards.
When you're feeling sluggish or tired, running—combined with a healthful diet—is a great way to boost your energy. You might also want to consider setting your alarm 30 to 45 minutes earlier than your usual wake up time, since runners who run in the morning report that they have improved energy levels during the day. A study in the Journal of Adolescent Health proved that just 30 minutes of running during the week for three weeks boosted sleep quality, mood, and concentration during the day.
Regular runners report an increase in their confidence and self-esteem, and the self-esteem benefits of running are increased if you set a specific goal, such as running a 5K or even a marathon, and accomplish it. These benefits will undoubtedly spill over to other areas, such as your professional and personal life.
A regular running or jogging regimen can also lead to improved perceptions of fitness and body image, both of which were linked to improved self-esteem, according to research published in Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment. Running requires very little equipment, and it can be done almost anywhere. You don't even need a gym membership. All you need is a good pair of running shoes , and you can head out your door to go for a run. From city sidewalks to wooded trails, there are plenty of places for runners to explore—at no cost.
If you travel a lot, it's easy to pack your running shoes and run while you're on the road. Running is also a great way to expand your horizons and break away from the daily grind. The sport gives people the opportunity to explore areas of their own community or new locations, experience new physical sensations, and run places they may not normally see. Runners share a bond that goes deep and they support each other in running and many other aspects of their lives.
They have shared experiences, both good and bad, that allow them to connect on many levels.