He wanted to do it this season. OCR: Alcohol and pot are one level, but heroin seems like a very serious drug and addiction. What was your reaction when you learned about his involvement with it? LP: I was shocked. I was horrified. I think that heroin is becoming very acceptable among certain people.
OCR: Some people blame the parents when their kids get into trouble. LP: Every parent looks at that, and feels the sting when your child is in trouble. OCR: There have been some vicious comments about you, your husband, and your family on Web sites, blogs, even on this site.
How do you handle that? LP: Our exes have not given up. But we try to ignore the comments. OCR: The other housewives and your fans have been very supportive of your decision to leave. LP: I feel thoroughly supported. The fans are somewhat disappointed, but they understand it, they get it. My family members have been very supportive. All the kids were really looking forward to filming this year. It was going to be a really fun year.
LP: The filming is hard. But the promotional aspects of the show are amazing. It has opened so many doors and opportunities. I was once a very shy person that absolutely hated public speaking. This wasn't something I took lightly. We talked this through. This took me weeks to try to figure out. It wasn't a rash decision. Once I bailed Josh out of jail, I just really needed my privacy. It needed to be as much a private matter as possible. While Lauri Peterson has made a few appearances on RHOC since leaving the series, she has remained out of the spotlight for the most part.
Lauri is still married to her husband George pictured above , and the couple adopted her son Josh's daughter Kennady. He's really struggling and, well, they're both really struggling. And so [my husband] George and I elected to help out and we actually adopted Kennady, and so we're raising her. Since she was six months old, Kennady has lived with the Peterson's and receives some extra care from Lauri's oldest daughter. And Kennady just loves Ashley.
And she loves all of her little cousins and her aunts and uncles and everybody," Lauri told The Daily Dish. Scroll for more details on Lauri Peterson's family's crisis.
Lauri Peterson's son Josh Waring, her adopted daughter Kennady's biological father, was arrested on June 20, , for allegedly shooting a man in California and leaving the scene with a stolen car.
I have a lot to say, and the viewers are going to be really shocked. In , Lauri became a grandmother when her son, Josh, and his wife had a daughter named Kennady. Since Josh and his wife were both dealing with personal issues, Lauri and her husband decided to adopt Kennady and raise her as their own. Kennady is now 7-years-old and appears to be thriving. Not only is Lauri a mother and a grandmother, she is also a dog mom.
She is a true dog lover and has two beautiful dogs named Zeus and Moose. Camille has a master's degree from Saint Joseph University's Writing Studies program, and she currently works as the Writing Center Assistant Director at a small university in western Pennsylvania. Camille's writing has been published on several websites, and she enjoys writing articles and short stories in her spare time. You can follow Camille on Twitter CamealAshley. You must be logged in to post a comment.