Battlefield 4 is also available for unlimited play for EA Access members on the Xbox One as one of the service's launch titles. Many elements from Battlefield 3 as well as other past installments return, such as the same four class system, a similar heads-up display, kill cams, as well as increased destruction. Players can now use dual-scoped weapons, including weapons with different firing modes e.
Players now have more survival capabilities, such as countering melee attacks from the front while standing or crouching, shooting with their sidearm while swimming, and diving underwater to avoid enemy detection.
The singleplayer campaign features many elements from past installments, taking place in numerous locations across the world. Levels are now built in sandbox-style environments, allowing players more freedom to complete objectives. Players can now spot enemy targets to notify the AI of Tombstone squad.
The singleplayer also features three separate endings based on the player's choice in the final mission. The singleplayer features assignments that require specific actions and unlock weapons for use in multiplayer upon completion. Collectible Weapons return along with the introduction of Collectible Dog Tags which can be used in multiplayer.
Weapon crates are found throughout all levels, allowing players to obtain ammo and switch weapons. While crates hold default weapons, collectible weapons may be used whenever they are acquired and level specific weapons may be used once a specific mission assignment has been completed by obtaining enough points in a level.
The singleplayer campaign is set in the year , six years after the events of the previous game. While the War of has ended, tensions between the United States and Russia are at an all-time high. If successful, China would gain Russia's full support, resulting in all-out war with the United States. The player controls Sgt. Daniel Recker , a member of a United States special operations squad call-signed Tombstone. His squadmates include: squad leader SSgt.
William Dunn , second-in-command SSgt. Kimble 'Irish' Graves , and field medic Sgt. Clayton 'Pac' Pakowski. They are tasked with stopping Chang and preventing another great war. Tombstone was tasked with retrieving vital information in Baku, Azerbaijan.
Pursued by Russian Special Forces, the squad engaged in numerous firefights as they proceeded toward the extraction point at the top skyscraper under construction. The building, after sustaining massive amounts of damage from Russian forces, collapsed as Tombstone reached the extraction point.
The event resulted in the helicopter's destruction as well as the amputation of Dunn's leg due to it being trapped under rubble. Stranded, Tombstone commandeered a civilian vehicle and attempted to escape with an enemy helicopter in pursuit. Recker was then tasked with destroying the chopper with a grenade launcher. While successful, the squad's vehicle went off-road and plunged into the sea.
With the vehicle sinking, Dunn, who was not only trapped between seats but also critically wounded, handed Recker his revolver and ordered he shoot out the windshield so the rest of the squad could make their escape. Much to the dismay of Pac and Irish, Recker reluctantly shoots the window, allowing them to escape but resulting in Dunn's death by drowning.
Unfortunately, Captain Garrison's superior, Oracle , reveals that the United States had already known this information and that the purpose of Tombstones mission was to reassure them of it, meaning that Dunn had died for information that they already knew.
Fulfilling Dunn's last wish, Recker is made squad leader of Tombstone. Tombstone manages to extract the three via helicopter and then proceeds to take a tourist boat back to the Valkyrie. Much to their surprise, however, an electromagnetic pulse goes off, frying all electronic equipment in the area, including the boat. Realizing that other refugees are stranded on boats around them, Irish helps to lead them to the Valkyrie. Upon locating the Titan, it is found to be heavily damaged by Chang's Chinese military.
Garrison thereby orders Tombstone, along with Kovic as acting squad leader, to scour the wreckage of the Titan for survivors and Intel before it sinks. The squad recovers a hard drive with data telling of what happened before the Titan was attacked only to be forced to engage with Chinese soldiers that had boarded the ship. Having sustained too much damage, the Titan finally buckles under its own weight and splits in two forcing Tombstone to abandon ship. Having hijacked an assault boat, the squad makes its way back to the Valkyrie only to find it under siege by Chinese forces.
Kovic is critically injured as the squad attempts to repel Chinese forces, resulting in Recker being put back in charge of Tombstone before he dies. Tombstone then clears the bridge and rescues Garrison and Hannah's husband.
Garrison debriefs the squad on the incoming assault on the Chinese-controlled Singapore airfield to destroy Chinese air superiority while their air forces are grounded by a storm. Hannah volunteers to join Tombstone, much to Irish's chagrin. They successfully assault the beach and lead an advance towards the airfield, with the help of US Marine tanks, losing most of their forces in the process. While crossing a bridge to the airfield, Recker becomes pinned down by a car blown by the strong winds and tries to break free with the help of Tombstone, to no avail.
A large freighter crashes into the bridge, throwing Tombstone into the sea below. Fortunately, they survive and make their way to the airfield via a sewer. After Pac fires the signal flare, Tombstone attempts to evacuate the area using an enemy vehicle, but is hit by friendly fire, seemingly killing Pac and rendering Recker and Irish unconscious.
Hannah betrays the squad, bringing Chinese soldiers to capture Tombstone. Recker and Irish are interrogated in a prison by Admiral Chang and Bohai over the purpose of their mission in Shanghai. They are then thrown into prison cells soon after. Recker is later awoken by Dimitri Mayakovsky , a Russian prisoner suffering from radiation poisoning as a result of the nuclear explosion in Paris six years prior.
The two break out of their cell and release the other prisoners, including Irish, starting a mass riot. With the prison guard overrun, the Chinese military arrive and launch an assault. Recker and Irish hold them off long enough for Dima to open the prison gates, only to be caught by Hannah and other soldiers.
The group fights their way through the Kunlun Mountains to a cable car, which goes down the mountain. The tram is shot down by an enemy helicopter, resulting in Dima's death. Forced to continue on foot for two days, Tombstone makes their way down the mountain, forced to hunt for food to survive.
They find a jeep and drive to Tashgar, finding it under siege by both Chinese and Russian forces. Corona Column 3 Use these free activities to help kids explore our planet, learn about global challenges, think of solutions, and take action. Parent reviews for Battlefield 1.
Common Sense says Epic violent shooter packs huge emotional punch of warfare. Based on our expert review. Based on 52 reviews. Based on reviews. Add your rating. Parents say 52 Kids say Adult Written by Ronny J. October 24, Teens can handle it Let's face it. As many parents may think that teens are still young and try to keep them away from language, they definitely know some if not a lot of language.
I have always been a fan of first person shooters, and my kid just turned 13 last month. I know he's been looking at this game for a long long time so I finally decided to get it for him after sitting down and talking to him.
The campaign starts out with a fair bit of swearing with some throughout the rest of the campaign at least the missions he's already completed. But like I already said, all of the language is stuff he already knows. The game has lots of huge explosions and bloody graphics for close range attacks especially when using a bayonet to stab somebody.
I think overall it's a game that is for mature teens and young teens can handle it. My son loves it and doesn't talk about it all day after he plays it, so I think he has handled it well. I love the WWI feel and My son has actually learned a bit from this game. This title contains: Positive Messages. Positive role models. This review Helped me decide Had useful details 5.
Read my mind 7. Report this review. Parent of a year-old Written by Scott B. November 6, Battlefield 1, Parental Review. Hello families of young gamers, Battlefield 1 is an immersive, realistic, chaotic and amazing game. Yes it is a MA15 but that is utter rubbish, here's why. There is blood yes but you can barley see it and you can turn it off completely, or change the colour to like white or black so it blends in with the environment you are playing in.
There are a variety of meld weapons that emit a miniscule squirt of blood. That does not stay on screen or stain the ground.
Enemies go a deep "umph" when stabbed then they fall to the ground. The course language is minimal and only in the mission "The Runner" Captain drops a F bomb whilst storming the beaches of gallopoli which is understandable due to the chaos of the landing, but there are so many distractions and explosions that you almost can't here him. That's all the bad stuff in this game my 12 year old boy loves it. He showed me this games release trailer and I new I would get it for him The graphics are stunning and the gameplay is beautiful.
Please let your kids have this one, there is so much to learn from this game and it is so beautiful, when you return home after the war and you mother comes out and hugges you. It made me cry.
Helped me decide 4. Had useful details 2. Read my mind 5. Adult Written by Pm V. There is swearing with some infrequent strong language, and there is a lot of blood, spraying out of enemies in different quantities depending on the area hit.
An amazing, bloody, and eye opening game for teens. It truly lives up to the expectations I had from seeing the reveal trailer. This game is a World War I first person shooter. Obviously this game is going to have lots of violence. Blood isn't a big deal in this game as there are only small spurts when someone is shot. Battlefield 1 has considerably less language than the other games in this franchise.
Because of the brutality of World War I, this game is definitely not for those who are sensitive about war. This game does not sugarcoat the horrors of the first world war and is like a true experience. Overall I recommend this game for kids ages 15 and up. Most kids have played this kind of game before but because of the extreme amount of brutal action, I have to raise the age higher than most FPS games would be.
This title contains: Ease of Play. Helped me decide 1. Teen, 13 years old Written by WalkedRelic February 27, This means that the game involves shooting people in the in the first person perspective set in the First World War. The game involves a campaign and an online mode. The basic aim of every mode is to shoot and kill every "bad guy" you see, but the blood and gore on screen is minimal to non-existent.
The graphics are extremely realistic, even on consoles, and the story has some curse-words in its script, but once you look past all of this you are looking at a brilliant, educational game. Each online battle is actually based off of real world battles and before each battle starts you get a brief history of what actually happened, which is great!
The campaign is absolutely brilliant. It's sad, it's real, it's intense, it's unique, it's thrilling and so much more! Teen, 13 years old Written by Mrbombastic December 31, Great fast paced game with many vehicles to try out and impressive graphics. Battlefield 1 does contain some violence bit it's not bad, the action is so fast paced you rarely even notice since you are planing your next move. But when focused on its not for the the people who can't stand blood and gore and if you are a parent looking at reviews becuase your kid asked for the game, they have probably been looking at gameplay and trailers of the gore, But they know they still want to play it.
In the campaign, Battlefield 1 highlights how behind every gun and mask was a person and where fighting a war which was not theirs. Helped me decide. Teen, 13 years old Written by stealthgamer December 18, Excellent graphics and awesome gameplay. A mature child can handle this. There are a few bad words throughout the story. The violence is pretty high, but that's how it was in WW1.
No sexual content. You can turn off the voice chat in the settings, so no need to be worried about that. Overall, an outstanding game! Read my mind. Teen, 15 years old Written by TechnicallyPicky October 30, Realistic war shooter for older kids Battlefield 1 revolves around the combat in world war 1. It is very realistic, and while it has an amazing storyline, it is definitely for older players.
This game has a vey realistic outlook on the war, so its got a fair share of gore and language. It is very realistic and immersive as well. There isn't really any sexual themes, so don't worry about that. I mean, it's a great game and it has amazing graphics, but I would get this game for someone who knows about WWI, and is a little bit more mature than your average Call of Duty playing twelve year old.
Teen, 15 years old Written by UnknownAgent December 4, Good game, not for younger teens. While this game has amazing looks and fun multiplayer action, there are a couple reasons why younger teens shouldn't have this. One, The melee takedowns are very bloody.
Instead of being instantaneous like previous games, there are now animations that show the player entering a vehicle, as well as animations for switching between different positions on a plane. Passenger animations mean players may directly enter specific seats within light vehicles by entering the vehicle from the corresponding side, removing the need to first jump into the drivers seat. As a consequence, players cannot enter the vehicle from certain sides if a teammate is already in the seat for that side.
Furthermore, light vehicles have the ability to handbrake, a feature carried over from Battlefield Hardline , which allows drivers to make rapid turns while maintaining high speed.
Destruction plays a role in the handling of each vehicle as affects how each performs in combat - vehicles like tanks can now also be target damaged , with individual parts taking their own amounts of damage.
For example, players are now able to immobilize a tank by targeting and destroying its treads. Aside from emplacements or light armored vehicles, all vehicles contain three Vehicle Packages that determine which Vehicle Specializations may be used. Each vehicle features a default vehicle packages with additional packages requiring Warbonds to be purchased. Behemoths are also introduced, huge map specific vehicles that will spawn for the losing team in larger gamemodes as their last ditch offensive.
Behemoths provide massive increases in firepower and a mobile spawn point for the team, but are much larger targets and can be destroyed by heavy fire. Similar to normal vehicles, each Behemoth features weak points that are more susceptible to damage. Subsequent factions such as the French Army , Russian Army will be added in post-launch content.
Factions are map specific and cannot be chosen by owners of rented servers. The pack introduces the French Army as a playable faction in addition to six new maps set in Verdun, Nivelle Offensive and the Aisne-Marne Offensive, new weapons, vehicles, and Codex Entries. It was released on March 14, for Premium players and March 28, for non-Premium players.
Maps take place on the Russian frontlines across four maps and two maps on Russian Civil War. It was released on September 5, for Premium players and September 19, for non-Premium players.
The first wave was released on December 11, for Premium players, with the second wave released on January 30, for Premium players and February 13, for non-Premium players. It will center on infamous battles of the Great War with the addition of five new maps including Battle of Caporetto, Battle of the Somme, Battle of Passchendaele and other two maps design specially for Air Assault gamemode.
It was released in February 20, and March 6, for non-Premium players. Battlefield Premium is available in a similar vein to previous games, granting two-week early access to all four paid expansions at no extra cost, in addition to 14 Superior Battlepacks issued monthly. The Battlefield 1: Original Soundtrack was released on October 28, It was composed by Johan Soderqvist and Patrik Andren and consists of 25 tracks.
The game was originally going to have a more standard campaign format. The campaign was revised into a series of short stories connected by the "theme" of WWI, namely its scale, to show how many people it affected. The idea of making the campaign an adventure game was explored during development. The game was confirmed on October 28, by EA CEO Andrew Wilson, following claims from analysts that a new Battlefield game would release in due to the release of Battlefield Hardline in early as well as the release of the new Star Wars: Battlefront in late He said he has already seen the game and it is shaping up to be a "fun, new Battlefield".
The title's release was reaffirmed during an EA investor call in July , as the company plans for the game to be their core shooter title for The official reveal for the game took place on May 6, In North America, the PC version is only available through digital download. On August 15, the Open Beta was announced on to start on August 31, and ran until September 8, [17] Players who signed up for the Battlefield Insider program before August 21, gained access to the Open Beta one day early on August 30, The beta featured two gamemodes, Rush and Conquest, on the map Sinai Desert.
To celebrate the approaching end of the Open Beta, DICE released an update on September 6, , DICE to remove match timers so rounds could be played indefinitely and unlocked all available weapons within the beta.
As of January , the game has had over 25 million players. Battlefield Wiki Explore. Battlefield Battlefield V. Battlefield 4. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Deutsch Polski. Battlefield 1.