How much canna a and b

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It may not display this or other websites correctly. You should upgrade or use an alternative browser. Thread starter rankamateur Start date Jan 23, Tags canna coco nutrient burn nutrient lockout nutrient problem nutrients.

Hi there people, hope you can help me. Im using canna coco medium soil too. Have had really bad nutrient burn show itself during the first 2week of flowering so I flushed the HELL out of the soil in a pot 10litres big with about 15 litre's of water and drained it in my bath.

Iv watered it once again but just with water no nutes. Im wary feeding it again until i know exactly what im doing which I hope you guys can help with. What amounts would you use? Please help me, i cant seem to find an answer online. I gotta ask you may be overdoing it a bit im not sure whats on the label but 8ml 2 ml and 2ml to 2 liters?? Thanks for replying Cronichemphog, Sorry if i wasnt a bit clearer on the details, I feed it every 4 or 5 days or when the soil is really dry.

Hope thats a bit more well explained mate. PatBezz New Member. The recommended rate for flowering is split into 3 stages 1 first signs of fruit and flower 2. Sounds like you have been putting about a ml too much. It might not sound much but those are the recommendations straight off the label. What EC are you running at and are you monitoring the EC of you runoff when flushing? Cheers Pat. Hi Cronichemphog, I dont feed it without nutes in the water but as its something you have suggested i will do that.

So if iv got you right mate, what your saying is I should feed it water with nutes and then the next feed just water? Can I ask you mate, is it right to try and starve the plant of water as much as you can to increase potency?

If this is correct in your opinion, just how long can you have the soil dry for? Just asking because of conflicting info online.

Thanks for your time by the way. Hi PatBezz, Thanks for your input on my problem mate. Can i ask you mate is it really important that I have Rhizotonic and Cannazyme? Watering plants too often can cause the symptoms of overwatering and can sometimes attract fungus gnats. Yes and no. Coco peat is a good grow medium but not entirely sufficient to grow plants.

It's good for germination but lacks micro and macro nutrients required for plant growth. But a good mixture of coco peat , soil, and fertilizer can do the trick. How to water plants in super soil: Give just enough water to wet the medium, but try to stop just before you get much runoff.

Wait until the entire top layer of soil feels dry at least up to your first knuckle before watering again. When in doubt, water less! Coconut husk acts as a good medium to grow plants. Coconut husk can be continuously used for more than 10 years. The plant can be grown by supplying necessary nutrient to the Coconut husk.

Since plants are not grown on soil, the plants will be free from soil borne pests. No, it is not needed. But while it is cool your side of the pond, I would rather use 2 parts chunky perlite to 1 part coco. It dries out quick enough for plenty of feedings. And it flushes a lot easier than coco. As we have mentioned before, coco coir contains no nutrients , so we must add fertiliser every time we water our plants. Dig a small hole in your coco coir containers so there's room for the new seedlings.

Take a butter knife and carefully slide it all around the edges of each solo cup, then carefully transplant your seedling into your bigger coco coir containers. Maintain vegetative plants until they are half the final desired size. Category: home and garden landscaping.

Continue rinsing. Skip to main content. Never mix the A-concentrate directly with the B-concentrate, as insoluble combinations will occur Store in a dark place, away from extremes of hot and cold Over fertilization has a negative effect on the nutrient mix and plant quality Not to be used in protected nature reserves, reed beds or swampy areas, in hedges or small woods, in bodies of surface waters or near groundwater collecting areas.

Coco A Keep out of reach of children. Coco B Keep out of reach of children If the solution comes in contact with the skin or eyes, rinse with water. Facebook Twitter. Related Products. Naturally every new grower aims for the best


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