When I first played through ME2 and read through the emails from past characters, I was wondering why there wasn't any way to respond to them. Now obviously none of us want to type out emails while playing this game, but if the game presented us with three or more preset responses Shepard could send, similar to conversation options i. I certainly would've liked to have given Emily Wong an interview, since my Shepard promised her that in ME1, and I certainly would've liked to have been able to tell Dr.
Michel that Garrus was okay, and bring him by for casual drinks with her on the Citadel as she proposed in her email, or since my Shepard is a spacer actually respond to his own mother's email!
I think we didn't get to act on any of the emails since the game was already loaded with side missions on different planets. Michel for Drinks," there may have been less planet-exploring, which is the bread-and-butter of a sci-fi epic. After all, BioWare said there are over variables that can affect gameplay, so we'll see. If they do bring back the emails though, we should be able to respond to them just as we respond to NPC dialogue in the game. CmdrKankrelat Status: Offline.
Im just thinking perhaps instead of a crappy interview with Miss Al Jalani we could have gotten a good interview with Emily Wong. Also thats something Ive also thought of while playing going back to visit with the good Docter to bad nothing like that was put in. By TexasToast - Fri Dec 10, am. Wong realizes that the signal she is broadcasting led the Reaper forces to that location.
In an attempt to escape in a sky van, Wong is shot at and injured as the Alliance forces and airport are destroyed. Bleeding badly and without any other weapons to use, she steers her sky van toward an approaching Reaper at ramming speed.
Her signal is subsequently lost, and she is presumed dead. Mass Effect Wiki Explore. Mass Effect: Andromeda. Original Trilogy. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Emily Wong. User Info: kwarantine. I already did 2 for her Fist's OSD and the traffic controllers.
Where does she go after that and does she have any other quests? Website: Gamefaqs. Category : Use many in a sentence. Mass , Many , Menace. Completing his little quest …. Website: Rpgsite. Category : Use that in a sentence. Be sure to …. Website: Steamcommunity. Many , Missions , Much , More. Can't find Emily Wong? I just planted the bug in traffic control and now I can't find emily wong to report to her.
The quest log says she should be in the citadel tower, but her! She's not there, though.. Category : Use find in a sentence.
Mass Effect: Return to the Citadel walkthrough Mass. The reporter is again on track of some suspicious case. She'll ask you to find evidence, that traffic control operators are overworked. You'll need to plant a bug in some inconspicuous place. Website: Guides. Category : Use to in a sentence. But refusing to help gives you more paragon points than helping her. Website: Reddit. Mass , Mission , More. ME2: Where is Emily Wong? Fextralife Forum. I got her message, she asked me to come visit her on the Citadel when I get time.
I've searched all over, and haven't found her. Website: Fextralife. Message , Me. Emily Wong? Mass Effect 2 Giant Bomb.
User Lists: 6. From the ME2 Wikia. If the player assisted her in the Mass Effect , she will send the player an interview request in Mass Effect 2. Website: Giantbomb. Mass Effect Consequences NightSolo. She'll also appear on some news videos near the C-Sec station. Slightly alters the dialog on the next interview. Chorban's Keeper Scanning. Website: Nightsolo. Citadel Exploration Missions Citadel Walkthrough. Just Now The guide for Mass Effect 1 Legendary Edition features all there is to see and do including a walkthrough containing coverage of all Assignments, detailed breakdown of all the important choices, class builds and much more!
Full coverage of all the Main Missions. Every Assignment covered. In-depth look at the major choices and consequences of each. Website: Gamerguides. This guide will show you how to earn all of the achievements. Leave Flux and go back to Emily Wong , continue right and. Website: Trueachievements. Category : Use for in a sentence. That's another reporter from the first game that interviews you about being a Spectre on the second trip to the Citadel.
I forget her name, but the reason there's animosity between Shepard and her is because she pretty much misquotes you and writes a scathing interview about you in the game. I think people are confusing Al-Jellani with Emily Wong. Wong was actually nice about her journalism. It sucks that you can't actually meet her again.
Ah well, no big deal. Yeah it's kind of odd that you don't get to meet her. You also see that man and woman outside a store who you helped in ME1, talking about how to look after their baby Jacob.