How many blacksmiths are there in dark souls

Go down into the now-open lava bed. There will be a chest there. Open it to nab this ascension tool. Return to the Duke's Archives where you first get killed by him. It will be in the large chest in the center of the room. How to Get It: This one's kind of a pain in the rear to get. From the bonfire in Darkroot Garden, go through Alvina's Tower.

On the other side, go to the right and through the forest. You'll come to a small, watery area with several large Mushroom Men. Defeat them and open the chest in the water.

Afterward, continue across the bridge and head toward the tower. Climb to the top to find this ember clutched by a dead blacksmith. Continue until you come to the second stone structure. There will be a hole in the ground.

Drop down into it. The room below will be filled with skeletons -- at least six. Defeat them to retrieve this one from the dead blacksmith at the back of the room. I'm only glad that i bought all his key items before accidentally purposefully because he wouldn't calm down killing him.

I'm just hoping there is some miraculous way of bringing him back without NG. Not completely sure but, he has unique dialogue if you afk while in his menu. He says something about if you went hollow. I smoked him in the head accidentally and now he's out for blood.

Reeeaally hoping he forgets after a while lmfao. There seems to be a glitch where he randomly disappears from the Undead Parish. This might be a purposeful game mechanic, but he came back after I reloaded the game so I doubt it and I had also never seen it happen in my previous hours of playing.

I'm playing on the Switch version, if that helps understand the problem. Dear God! Sign In Help Sign Out. Toggle navigation. Search Results. What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts.

Boards Dark Souls Does it matter who i give the embers too? User Info: jenrais. There is only one blacksmith that can use each ember, so if they take it it's meant for them, all others will refuse it. If it's not the right one they just say they can't use it, find someone else. GT: remShotz Speakeasy member. User Info: ryujun. Right from the Faqs thread here on the top of the forums: Q. I found a lightning spear and love it, can I make a lightning weapon myself?

There are four blacksmiths in the game, and each serves a unique function or two. In order to make an elemental weapon, you typically need a special ember found in the game, take it to the proper blacksmith, and an appropriate weapon level.


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