Others believe the tradition symbolizes happiness and health and is a way to wish a new joyful life to the newlyweds. The bride might also write the names of her single female friends on the bottom of her shoes, and as each gets married, the bride is meant to cross off their names. They bring a basket filled with perfume, shoes, makeup, a veil, and anything else the bride might need for the special day. Armenian weddings include a church ceremony that lasts about an hour.
The priest blesses the couple who then exchange rings as a symbol of unity. The crowns are made of precious metals and are an integral part of Orthodox Church weddings that can be seen in Georgia, Russia, Greece, Albania, Serbia, and elsewhere. The crowns are owned by the church and should be given back for use in other church wedding ceremonies.
Receiving presents is always exciting—especially on your wedding day. Usually, the godfather brings the most expensive gift. Others might bring different jewelry, money, or household goods. An Armenian wedding reception is quite big and full of food, drinks , songs, and dancing. The two will then continue cheering and dancing until the entire wedding party has entered. After all of the wedding party has entered, everyone will head to the dance floor to celebrate the newlywed couple by dancing and singing for about minutes before heading back to their seats.
Before entering the Armenian banquet hall, the newlywed couple will sometimes step on a plate and break it and maybe even break their heels like in the photo above! This is similar to the plate breaking tradition at Greek weddings.
Like other newlyweds, Armenian couples will often have a wedding registry to make it easier for guests to purchase gifts for them. However, the most common gift that is given at the banquet hall is money.
This is because money is thought of as the best way to provide the couple with the means to start their new journey in life together. FOOD at imperialeventvenue?? To start, the tables are filled with an array of delicious appetizers including breads, charcuterie boards, salads, and other savory finger foods.
Finding the right catering service for an Armenian wedding is an important decision. Armenian wedding food is always plentiful for guests. Guests can easily go back for seconds, thirds, and even fourths if they want! While slower songs are sometimes played, the music tends to stay upbeat with a quick tempo so that the energy stays up. The bridesmaids and groomsmen play an important role in the reception.
If the members of the wedding party are on the dance floor celebrating, it entices the guests to stay on the dance floor to celebrate. Usually around dinnertime, the newlywed couple will make their way around the banquet hall to greet their guests. Since most of the guests will be at their tables eating dinner, this is the ideal time for the bride and groom to say hello and thank them for being there.
Typically the bride and groom will spend a few minutes at each table to greet the guests. As the bride and groom walk back up the aisle after the ceremony, guests throw coins at the couple as a symbol of wealth and success. Photography by Image Haus. Posted in Culture by wedded wonderland. A look back at Michelle and Barack Obama's Wedding photos. The rigidity of the domestic labor hierarchy and the pertinence of gender and generation to the associated social roles are best illustrated by the subordinate position of the new bride.
Upon entering the household of her in-laws, the bride was expected to serve all of its members. Because cooking was the privileged work of the mother-in-law, the bride's responsibilities included menial tasks such as cleaning the shoes of all household members. Her face was usually veiled in public for at least one year and sometimes it was tightly bound, a practice known as mounj , and during a ritual period of silence she was allowed to speak to no one except children and her husband should they find themselves completely alone.
After the birth of her first child, she was sometimes permitted to speak to the women of her household. Some women maintained a period of ritual silence for ten years or for life. The other responsibilities of the bride included kissing the hands of elders, never falling asleep if her father-in-law was still awake, and helping him to dress and undress. Humiliating tasks were considered an initiation of the new bride into the household.
In general, women's responsibilities included the preparation of food, clothing, and domestic items such as candles, soap, and pottery; the weaving of rugs; and the tending of dairy animals and poultry.
While women were working, the eldest children of the household would care for the younger children. This required little work in the case of infants, who were swaddled.
Men were responsible for the heavy agricultural work, the building of houses and furniture, and the working of leather. The vast majority of labor was organized by family units, although occasionally an entire village might undertake a project. Hospitality, regarded by Armenians as a great virtue, was considered to be the obligation of everyone, male and female. Domestic Unit. Within a village, families resided either in extended family clan, or gerdastan , or nuclear untanik' units.
Extended family residences were usually multigenerational and consisted of somewhere between fifteen and fifty relatives who were bound together by principles of patrilineal descent.
Residential nuclear families usually consisted of an elder married son who had left the extended family home with his wife and older children.
The extended family home was typically inherited by the youngest son, who remained there with his wife and children and cared for his parents after his elder brothers had moved away. Property was nevertheless generally distributed evenly among brothers.