Once your in the DGA, are you allowed to have multiple titles? How do you know if the production your being hired on is eligible to count as a day? And if you need to ask, what are the right questions to ask without being an annoying? Can you collect your days as a PA or do you basically need to be a 2nd AD on a project that flips? Almost everyone in the film business has many titles. However, if you want to work on union i. I think you need to get days as a PA to join as a 2nd 2nd AD.
Mostly, it has to be a legitimate, professional production. This means you have to be paid, and you need paystubs and callsheets to prove it. Whatever work you did that day art PA, camera PA, etc is what that day counts towards. On average, the Program receives between - applications from individuals from around the country. Of that total, between candidates will be accepted. Trainees come from all walks of life.
There are Trainees who have had some film experience, other have never been on a film set before. Applicants must be US citizens or permanent residents. A four year college degree and some industry experience is recommended but not essential. Applicants must be at least 21 years of age by the start of the Program June of each year. Click here for information on applying for the Program. The Directors Guild of America is a powerful force that can help you realize your vision regardless of budget.
Find out what the DGA is all about. Guild dues are based on DGA earnings. Earnings are reportable, and the corollary dues payable, quarterly. However, the DGA will consider reduced staffing on a case-by-case basis, but you must contact the Guild to discuss this issue before you start production.
The minimum salaries for directors and their teams are budget-dependent. Other waivers of basic minimums apply to each budget level; for example, there is no vacation or unworked holiday pay due until Level 4c. Please see the DGA Contracts section for a complete copy of the Low Budget Agreement and for Rate Cards with percentages of scale conveniently calculated for each budget level. Please contact DGA staff for more information.
The Guild.