African American women reported the longest duration of hot flashes averaging more than 11 years , while Japanese and Chinese women had hot flashes for about half that time. The "reality check" the SWAN study provides on hot flashes should encourage women to seek solutions.
Talk with your doctor about treatment options. The most effective hot flashes treatment is estrogen-based hormone therapy, though it comes with several downsides.
While hormone therapy is very effective at relieving hot flashes, women at older ages have higher risks of stroke, blood clots, and other health problems. Several non-hormonal medications can also help relieve hot flashes and night sweats. But you should talk to your GP if you're having other symptoms as well, such as feeling generally unwell, fatigue, weakness, weight loss or diarrhoea.
Women often describe a hot flush as a creeping feeling of intense warmth that quickly spreads across your whole body and face. It typically lasts for several minutes. Others say the warmth is similar to the sensation of being under a sun bed, or feeling like a furnace. The website healthtalk. Many women learn to live with menopause-related hot flushes, but if they're really bothering you and interfering with your day-to-day life, talk to a GP about treatments that may help.
The most effective treatment for hot flushes is hormone replacement therapy HRT , which usually completely gets rid of them. Your doctor will talk to you about the benefits and risks of using HRT. If you have had a type of cancer that's sensitive to hormones, such as breast cancer, your doctor will not recommend HRT and will talk to you about alternatives. Other medicines have been shown to help, including some antidepressants and a medicine called clonidine.
If you feel your daily activities are impacted by hot flashes, make sure to speak with your gynecologist. A: On average, you may be looking at years of living with hot flashes.
Though they are sporadic, their unpredictability is very frustrating. During perimenopause, hormones start acting like a rollercoaster, with progesterone and estrogen levels changing in wide variations. A: There are several ways to deal with hot flashes. Acupuncture: Research has shown that acupuncture can be highly effective for resolving hot flashes. In a study funded by the National Institutes of Health, hot flashes were reduced by almost half for 50 percent of women over eight weeks of acupuncture treatment.
Hot flashes are an unavoidable part of being a woman. But with lifestyle choices and perhaps help from your gynecologist, you can manage them with minimal disruption to your life. One of the best things you can do to protect and improve your health is to stay informed. Health Home Wellness and Prevention. Did I just have a hot flash? I'm 44!
Q: What is a hot flash? Q: How long will I get hot flashes? Some hot flashes and night sweats begin.