Df where is yulgar

Yulgar: I sell most of the materials that you will need right here in my shop. Yulgar: Some higher level weapons recipes will require rare drops like Ahzite Ore or Black Pearls, for example. Yulgar: Once you have learned a weapon recipe, all you need to do is merge the materials here in my force to create your own permanent weapons!

Yulgar: One more thing to keep in mind Make Weapons! Excellent timing! I just finished making a batch of those strawberry smoothies I know you crave. Yulgar: I'm sure accepting my hospitality won't slow you down TOO much. One mug won't take long to finish. Yulgar: Try some! It's my best batch yet! Yulgar: Ooooh. You know, this happened the last time I made smoothies. But those were blueberry-pineapple!

Yulgar: I didn't think it would happen with the strawberry flavour! I can handle these, you go help clear out the rest of the town! Mayor Rayf is not going to be pleased! The last time town was invaded, Mayor Rayf said if things ever got out of control again, he was relocating his office. Yulgar: Exactly. He says he'll make the townsfolk pay the moving costs! Claims that if he has to deal with the headaches our mistakes cause Yulgar: We should have to ease his stress somehow.

Yulgar: So, since neither of us wants to finance a three-story, marble floored pirate shanty in Osprey Cove, it's a good thing you took care of that mess. I make and sell a wide variety of weapons perfect for an aspiring Knight. Leave - returns to ArchKnight Falconreach. From Ice to Yulgar: Princess? Yulgar: Are you certain she is a Princess? Yulgar: Here we go Yulgar: OUCH!!! Yulgar: I hit my thumb with my mallet Yulgar: I am a very dedicated black smith!

Yulgar: The orb! Quick, pick it up before it gets dirty! Yulgar: Before Warlic gets back be sure to Yulgar: Um Everyone :!!!!! Yulgar: Princess turned to stone I heard a story like this once. Yulgar: Kiss her boy! Yulgar: It will be just like a fairy tale lad! Everyone :!!!!!!!! Slushroom Princess Yulgar: Ash You've returned! What did you find in the Frozen North? Is there anything that can defeat Akriloth?

Yulgar: I can forge something new, something stronger! A Frozen Claymore! Going East Yulgar: Everyone Yulgar: Everyone, please just calm down.

Yulgar: With Akriloth rampaging and fire monsters attacking towns all over Lore, I have a responsibility. Yulgar: I need to take the remaining shards of the Ice Scythe and get weapons in hands of as many heros as I can.

Yulgar: I'm going East. Yulgar: Aria is going to stay with Grams for now. Yulgar: As for weapons and blacksmithing, I don't know Yulgar: Konnan is gone, I don't know where, and I have no other apprentice who can manage the shop. Yulgar thinking : Here we go.. Yulgar: Oh. Yulgar: Thank you, Cysero. Yulgar: The Frozen Claymore is done. Yulgar: When it comes time to face Akriloth, you will be ready. Yulgar: Be on the look out for attacks and head off the fire monsters before the over-run the west as well.

Yulgar: Good luck, my friends, the Fire War is spreading. Flashpoint Yulgar: That's what I'm here for, friend. Yulgar: How are they holding up? To Have Famous Friends! Yulgar: Ok people, clear a path! You can talk to his friends yourselves! To Be A Giant! Could you spot me some gold so I can hire some new blacksmithing assistants?

Yulgar: That means I can make more weapons for you. Yulgar: Fish It wasn't there this morning. Yulgar: No. Battle For the Eastern Hills! Yulgar: Aria! Yulgar: I told you to stay home, in Falconreach. Yulgar: It's too dangerous for you here. Yulgar: No buts. You are going back on the first caravan headed home. Yulgar: I know. You have a good heart, but I am worried about you. We are under constant attack here. Yulgar: Aria Yulgar: Yes, and as long as I have strength in my arms I will make them.

Yulgar: Battleon. Yulgar: Plasma Dragons?! Yulgar: They're not the only ones missing either Yulgar: Is that Yulgar: There are waves and waves of fire monsters, we'll have to set up camp here and organize an attack! Talk Yulgar: We'll take out how ever many waves we have to and get to whatever monster Drakonnan has put in charge. We will battle on! I'll get back to work. We're going to need more help though I think. Ice Gems Yulgar: I don't know. Yulgar: There's more magic in that blade then even I could forge by myself.

Yulgar: If we need something stronger we're going to have to call on one of the mages. Yulgar: Or Cysero. Yulgar: Well, Cy It looks like you've defeated one of Drakonnan's top generals. Yulgar: That should keep his army at bay, for now Yulgar: Is it really that bad? Yulgar: Our numbers are dwindling as well. Elgert, Mennace, Dain Lorilann Yulgar: They've been missing since we investigated the Lightning Chasm. Epilogue Yulgar: I wish you well on your trip.

Yulgar: A new Inn is nearly built, so I'm going to set up shop there for now. Yulgar: Please, take Aria back to Falconreach though and make sure that she gets back to Grams safe and sound. Cysero has seen to that. This is my friend, Oishii. Fire War Yulgar: A Fire War swept over land, and if it wasn't for a hero, like yourself, all of Lore would have been lost North Yulgar: Konnan just worked at the forge after that.

He refused to speak with anyone. Demento was heading north to try and find something The Guardian Yulgar: Eventually, they found something from the frozen northlands that could take Akriloth down!

The Weapon Yulgar: I was able to forge a weapon with what they brought back Akriloth Yulgar: After all that, it was time to face Akriloth and take him down!

Packing Up Yulgar: We were under constant attack from fire monsters. My friends in Falconreach came to help defend this area. Ashenvale Yulgar: Drakonnan started attacking towns all around here. The town of Ashenvale was put under siege. Yulgar: Drakonnan's forces hit it hard and many townspeople were trapped inside thier homes by monsters! He has a notorious problem for running out of the best items, the so-called rares.

He is shortsighted as well, and will kill any mouse he sees. As a side job, he also acts as a DJ for the Battleon Disco. He used to have a blacksmith on Falconreach now destroyed town , but because of Willowshire needing more weapons, he was ordered to reside there and make Weapons. He had a apprentice named Konnan , he later became evil. Lim replaced his store afterwards. Then during the fire war he moved to Battleon where he now resides and his new apprentice, Hans.

Yulgar left the Inn to fight the Network , and he gets a slight crush on The Huntress in the process. His apprentice Hans took his place at the Inn while he was gone.

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