It's not rewarding as you think, it's just decreasing collateral damage. Don't think of having lesser towers as an advantage. It doesn't get you to a safer place. It meant that your team's safe place got lesser as the vision and damage that was once there is now gone. The ability to farm further safely from your base is now gone, and is given to the opponent instead. Also the pressure of having less defense will give you less options to push for the enemy's side of the map.
Creeps or minion gets to advance without help eventually and they can even destroy towers or your base when left undefended. That pressure sure isn't an advantage. Denying team mate is the same as what I've mentioned above. It's skill, not everyone can do it. Not everyone is keen on what's happening in a 5v5 clash to even notice that someone needs to be denied. Denying a team mate isn't rewarding, it's just making the collateral damage less.
The respawn time is the same. Your team mate isn't there to help in pushing or defending. I also find denying self as annoying. I think denying is pretty fun though. Even Valve add the "? For me, instead of abusing in-game chat, this is a better way to causing the "mind's game" make your opponent angry cause he can't farm well or get bounty from kills. Wabbajack View Profile View Posts.
Imagine you are mid techies against mid alchemist who has passive skill that allowes him to get increased gold for last hit let's just say he get gold per creep wave when you are not denying and 50 gold per creep wave when you denying.
You cut half of his income on gold and exp which means he has to jungle and you gaind higher chances to siege his tower. It's very important and it need some skill to deny because sometimes an enemies can clear creep wave easily sf, storm, axe, etc Wait untill you learned about camp blocks and pulling enemies creep to your own lane.
Grow up and adapt to deny skill Clearly you are so basic that cannot deny creep. Rmp View Profile View Posts. I don t get people bragging about denying First of all this qq deny stuff was brought since the beginning of dota dota 1 which was the first moba out there.
Second it makes the game more challenging,harder the skill cap etc There s also camp stacking,blocking pulling idk about lol or other mobas have it,vut i preffer this to just last hitting enemy creeps. Taking this in consideration i preffer dota to lol which is Riot easier copy of dota 1 with animes P. Per page: 15 30 Date Posted: 28 Jul, pm.
Posts: SexualPizza posted IIRC, you get gold for the team for destroying a tower. Hardly seems worth it if denial were in place. Plus, denying is a stupid mechanic anyway. Yeah, totally not worth it.
The same way killing the dragon for a gold bonus to your entire team is not relevant or important in any way. Comparing dragon bonus to a tower bonus. Last I checked you didn't need to kill dragon in order to get to the Nexus.
Yes, let's just destroy our towers for a small gold bonus and give the enemy an easier time. While we're at it, why don't we just kill all of our creeps as well so the enemy wave can just faceroll everything? How about we also make it to where you can just kill your own teammates, or even yourself, to "deny" the enemy gold? User Info: Covenant. Tower denial encourages the attacking team to keep up the pressure as the tower gets low so it can't be denied.
That tends to put more focus on objectives and rewards coordination from both sides. It doesn't reward coordination so much as it punishes a lack of coordination, compared to the system now. A team lacking coordination is already punished quite heavily in this game, so I don't see any need for this mechanic. And no, it doesn't put more focus on objectives.
It puts more focus on creating an overwhelming advantage that will allow you to ensure that you will actually get the kill on the tower instead of it getting denied. This advantage would primarily be gained by killing players. It would limit early pushing, a relatively new strategy developing in professional play, and would put more focus on killing people.
That's fine for dota, but League is a different game. Lastly, the game used to be like this. You used to have sustained pushes that kept pressure on.
Riot nerfed the parts of the game that enabled this because they didn't like the degree to which it influenced team comp and limited options for counterplay and comebacks.
HyperDragon posted Tower denying increases the reward for skilled play by allowing people who are really good at actually doing the objective of the game to take the enemies towers to try to prevent them from denying them, instead of backing to base to get items. Why I wrote this entry? The map is divided by water. In the water, there are two places, where the runes double-damage, haste, regeneration, bounty, Barracks cannot be revived.
You can choose from different roles by playing: carry, tank, support Wards should be placed on strategic places like by runes, Roshan, jungle crossroads or higher places marked on the map.
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