A sudden stop looks silly I dont mind the way it goes over little fences atm, may look alil silly but it works, what I'd like is a way to 'climb' over walls and taller fences preferably with help from a mate , it takes some time and thus your vunerable, but would mean a wall isnt impossible to pass, just very risky. I think it would be cool to kind of fall over a fence. Imagine it! You will be able to leave a comment after signing in.
Sign in to follow this Followers 0. Recommended Posts. FlameAble Posted June 28, Share this post Link to post Share on other sites. Awesome, thanks a lot. Damn walls were getting me shot :p. In most FPS; your weapon is a simulated laser that originates from between your eyes while you move around in a camera on rails, as you can guess, this means such games are NOT a very good simulation of shooting. So Shooting in ArmA, as well as being closer to reality, is an incredible shock to most people who have only played FPS arcade games before.
In the ArmA your bullets appear from the muzzle of your gun; it is subject to muzzle rise with each shot fired, which must be corrected; and because they are held by a simulated body the muzzle shakes depending on what you have been and are doing, your stance, whether your arm has been wounded, whether you have been running or exerting yourself in other ways, and all the other little nuances that programmers can cram in.
In ArmA you cannot 'run and gun' your bullets will end up sprayed all over a barn even at 25 feet, with a chance you would hit the target in front of you, a realistic near zero if you attempt it. And when that bullet finally leaves the barrel gravity, air resistance and a whole bunch of other factors affect it and with some MODs such as ACE so does wind. Because of bullet drop unlike in Arcade FPS the cross hairs of a sight are only correct at the range they are zeroed at; just as they are in reality.
This means that close up a bullet aimed at the target will pass over it where as once you are past the zero point the bullet will begin to drop below the aim point with each extra metre. To help cope with all this many weapon sights have graduations for different distances.
In some cases sights are factory set or armoury issued with a particular zeroing and in fact even when a soldier can alter the zeroing, most infantry soldiers zero their weapon at a range and never change it.
Most weapons are zeroed at the expected distance of use, pistols are zeroed at anything from 10m to 25m; for CQB weapons that is between 50m and m; general assault weapons it is between m to m and on up through MGs and sniper rifles.
Some weapons in Arma 2 since the release of Operation Arrowhead include a zeroing capability accessed via your default [Page Up] and [Page Down] keys. It is normal for the zero of a sight to be set, so that bullet rises after an initial zero point and then will drop down to second usualy more pertinent zero point, so a sight may be zeored at both 32m and m, as with say an M16 iron sight.
Arma 2 has several shooting modes, From the hip; with and without cross-hairs, depending on difficulty settings. The default [V] key, also double click [right mouse button] or [0]on the number pad all bring up or put down your main sights.
You can read more in the community forum thread on the subject please feel free to enter the discussion add your wisdom and questions in places like this in the BIS forums; it adds to all the communities knowledge. BIS community forum thread about range tables. The key factor to staying alive is down to working as a team. You do not have eyes in the back of your head. First up, two pairs of eyes are better than one, so a buddy is your first line of defense.
A buddy team is the basic military formation from which all others are built. A buddy is the person who has your back. They are the person who, shoots at the enemy who shoots at you, medics you up if you are wounded, shares ammo with you, makes sure you are connected with everyone else.
If two pairs of eyes are better than one pair, then four pairs of eyes are better still! If some one is giving you first aid then they ain't firing at the enemy, hence more people equals more security. The AI itself is not able to do it; however, with smart scenario design it is possible to have AI also in buildings, or move through buildings.
The AI will follow orders, entering buildings on command, or following you into buildings as part of your group. AI groups have communicated since our first OFP game; however, some specific reactions are also best scripted and prepared for an individual scenario. It already does to certain level. However, additional reactions can be added for scenarios via scripts or mission design. No, it will not be possible. Currently, there are several technical limitations that render this impossible e.
We consider that some of the OA campaign missions could be converted for ded. It is unlikely that we will seek to invest more effort in small-scale PvP scenarios, as - compared to tournament-oriented and cinematic-based first-person shooters - our games have a lot more to offer in MP: vehicles, larger scenarios, cooperative game against skillful AI and much, much more.
There are several valid reasons why such functionality is not included. From a gameplay perpective, for example, this feature would compromise the nature of multiplayer combat; we believe that to retain a sense of authenticity, it should not be possible to immediately and unrealistically be aware of the locations of enemy units, who may have spent some time planning to reach an ideal fire position. There have been no significant changes in this module, aside from smoother radio communications and several fixes.
Of course, it does work in the new worlds and using the new content. It is not so clearly a 'bug'; the transmitting party really sends communication in different language.
However, we may still look at it after release. Yes, there are two simple modules insertable in mission editor, which provide particle effects and coloration postprocess effects based on the daytime and weather. Generally speaking, in case of more demanding scripts, be prepared that their result may come way later and also there probably can suffer from significant latency.
It is under evaluation if and how possibly allow user scripts to change how much time they may take from the CPU in every frame. In addition will this code be added permanently to any Final or other patch for the original A2 exe? The limit was always present since Arma 2 1. The issue with one of the beta patches is already fixed. Already available are ways to run scripts in "exclusive" mode. There are no major changes to the scripting engine, except for newly added commands.
We are unsure what you meant by your configFile example, but reading configs in scripts works the same as it did in Arma 2. Currently, there is no plan to release more MLODs for further use.
We would like to define the licensing standards in the community better before we'd release more content for further use and modifications. Yes, as well as some other improvements to the editor, but we did not have time to implement any of it. Originally, we expected to fully move to the new 3D editor but for many reasons we decided to stick with the good old 2D editor. This is something staying in our nice-to-have list.
Sound effects are much improved in Arrowhead. But be aware: many people compare our sound to "real" videos on the Internet or to Hollywood movies; however, in reality sound is very different.
Another aspect is the phenomenon called loudness war. We prefer high fidelity over artificiality, so you may need generally louder output level than in average game in order to get similar impression. We have decided to record as many sound effects as possible for Operation Arrowhead directly on the field. Using 12 microphones in various positions relative to the sound source, we recorded all kind of sounds from reloading, firing, to bullet impacts imagine a live BMP shooting range with sound engineers - we hope to be able to declassify some images and release some form of "Making Of" or "Developers Diary" about this part of development.
In the end, sound effects are mixed and edited in order to best keep real world feeling as much as possible in every situation from the perspective of the shooter up to troops standing m away.
Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Arma 3 Store Page. Global Achievements. Global Leaderboards. Nouitoui View Profile View Posts. Showing 16 - 30 of 31 comments. Relnor View Profile View Posts. Lets forget for a moment about all the implications to realism that jumping would or wouldn't have and instead ask what a guy working on the game would ask: Is this feature -necessary-? What would being able to jump add? How would it improve the game? Do you want jumping just cause all the other games have it, or would it serve some actual purpose?
I mean honestly how often have you played Arma 2 and thought: "Gee, I sure wish I could've jumped here"? Last edited by Relnor ; 8 Mar, pm. Dangerdog View Profile View Posts.