Grade B is darkest and boasts the strongest maple flavor. What sets maple syrup apart from refined sugar is its minerals and antioxidants. Though maple syrup provides a decent amount of some minerals, especially manganese and zinc, keep in mind that it also packs plenty of sugar. The fact that maple syrup contains some minerals is a very poor reason to eat it, given its high sugar content. Most people already eat copious amounts of sugar.
The best way to get these minerals is to eat whole foods. If you eat a balanced diet, then your chance of lacking any of these nutrients is very low. In addition, the high sugar content may affect your blood sugar levels — though maple syrup may be a better option than regular sugar in that regard. The glycemic index of maple syrup is around In comparison, table sugar has a glycemic index of around 65 6.
Maple syrup contains a small amount of minerals, such as manganese and zinc. However, it is very high in sugar. Oxidative damage, which is caused by free radicals, is believed to be among the mechanisms behind aging and many diseases. Antioxidants can neutralize free radicals and reduce oxidative damage, potentially lowering your risk of some diseases. Studies indicate that maple syrup is a decent source of antioxidants.
One study found 24 different antioxidants in maple syrup 7. Darker syrups like Grade B supply more of these beneficial antioxidants than lighter ones 8. One study estimated that replacing all the refined sugar in the average diet with alternative sweeteners like maple syrup would increase your total antioxidant intake as much as eating a single serving of nuts or berries 9. If you need to lose weight or improve your metabolic health, you would be better off skipping sweeteners altogether instead of going for maple syrup.
Some of these compounds are not present in the maple tree, forming instead when the sap is boiled to form syrup. The active compounds in maple syrup have been shown to help reduce the growth of cancer cells and may slow down the breakdown of carbohydrates in your digestive tract 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , Moreover, keep in mind that most maple syrup studies — which are often accompanied by misleading headlines — are sponsored by maple syrup producers.
Maple syrup boasts other compounds that may benefit health — but most studies are misleading and sponsored by the maple syrup industry. Also, because maple syrup tends to be sweeter, theoretically you can use less of it. But moderation is key, as it is with any sugar. More research is needed, though, before we consider maple syrup the next superfood.
Maple syrup is a sugar with no fiber attached to it which means eating too much of it will cause swings in your blood sugar and insulin. This could lead to hunger, potential weight gain and other adverse health effects.
If your goal is to improve your health, eating green leafy vegetables, whole grains, olive oil and other Mediterranean diet staples will give you lots more bang for your buck.
Numerous studies prove that these foods lower your risk of chronic disease. Learn more about vaccine availability. Advertising Policy. And if you stir some maple syrup into your oatmeal or pour over pancakes, that maple syrup would count toward your daily added sugars intake.
The daily limit for "added sugars," according to the Food and Drug Administration, is no more than 10 percent of your daily calories, or 50 grams for someone on a 2,calorie diet.
However, if you look at the Nutrition Facts Label on a bottle of maple syrup itself, you won't see a line that says "includes X grams of added sugars"—but the Daily Value column will list a percentage.
Here's how this came to be. The agency had originally intended for maple syrup and other single-ingredient sugars, such as honey or table sugar, to have all of their sugar grams listed as added sugars. However, honey and maple syrup producers pushed back, saying that consumers would think that the products contained sweeteners other than maple syrup or honey when manufacturers don't add sugar to these products.
The FDA agreed but said that producers still needed to list the percentage of the daily value of added sugars supplied by their product so that consumers would know how much it contributed to their daily added sugars intake.
Sugar aside, syrup does contain some nutrients. But many other foods contain those same nutrients without the high calorie load: That same size serving of maple syrup has about calories and 50 grams of sugars—more than in a ounce can of cola , and the maximum amount of added sugars you should have in a day.
Each tablespoon has about 50 calories and 12 grams of sugars, so drizzle it on lightly. The traditional system of syrup grades may look like it's evaluating quality, but it's not.
Many people prefer the more intense flavor of grade B. In , the U. Department of Agriculture addressed this potential point of confusion when it changed the labeling system for syrup so that it's in line with international standards.
Although this change went into effect in March , not all maple syrup producers have switched over, so you may still see the old grades on labels. Though the grades don't reflect variations in quality, they do indicate real differences in flavor. According to CR's food tasters, both dark and the amber versions have clean maple flavor, but the former is more intense and complex than the latter.
You really notice the difference when you taste the amber and dark versions side by side, but whether amber or dark syrup is better is a matter of personal taste. AnnaPustynnikova AnnaPustynnikova. You don't need to pay more to get a quality product. According to CR's tasters, less pricey store brands can be as flavorful as more expensive brand names for both amber and dark syrups.
And once you pour syrup on waffles or pancakes, any flavor differences are even less noticeable. Unlike honey , maple syrup can grow mold, so once you open a container you should put it in the refrigerator , where it will last 6 months to a year.