Raise the bar once scholars have met expectations. For example, if all scholars have met the reading log goal for the month, raise it the following month! Display images, quotes, and texts in the classroom s and throughout the building that reflect the cultural background and experience of your scholars and their families. Post quality work and exemplars for reference and routinely update them to display a variety of perspectives and skill levels.
Finally, educators know that classroom and school aesthetics can send a message. Materials needed by scholars and teachers are well cared for, current, relevant, and readily available as needed. Develop scholar jobs in the classroom for materials and shared spaces that need frequent light organization or cleaning. As a school leader, hold weekly aesthetic walkthroughs with your operations manager or custodial lead to address schoolwide maintenance and cleanliness issues.
Add a simple checklist to your classroom or grade-level walkthroughs where you periodically check for class organization and must-haves e. Set aside time on PD or in-service days to tackle classroom aesthetics. Establishing high expectations along with implementing strong systems and routines are only half of the equation for success. No-Nonsense Nurturers understand that rigor without relationships is doomed to fail. Developing a climate and culture of achievement for all is dependent upon the connection between high expectations and building authentic, trusting, life-altering relationships with scholars.
Look for opportunities to shout-out those teachers who are doing this in demonstrable ways. Over time, convert these teacher-generated ideas into a checklist for walkthroughs, to celebrate and incentivize teachers and hold them accountable to messaging in these ways.
Are your routines stretching the children to learn and understand new behaviours or are they limited to the old favourites. How high is your expectation of how children treat each other? What about responsibility children are given for organising the activities? She arrives at society balls ill-equipped to conduct herself in polite company but blossoms as people treat her as a lady. Every psychological experiment with children and their teachers regarding expectations comes to the same conclusion: adult expectations drive behavioural responses, and the younger the child the more profound the influence.
It seems that with behaviour management, if you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. Paul Dix is a multi-award-winning behaviour specialist and managing director of Pivotal Education. Road Safety Week — November. Curious Fox knows what makes good treasure baskets and collections. Hatching kits from Incredible Eggs. View all Top Products. Contact Us Advertise With Us. Share this:. You may also be interested in Remember Me? Members List. Mark Forums Read. Plagiarism risks you failing the course and the development of your professional knowledge.
To get good grades? To top the class? Or to acquire knowledge and skills? This again places the focus on the processes, rather than outcomes. Aim for personal bests and fulfilled potential. Not every child can get into the top sporting team… Nor can every student get into their first university preference.
It is reasonable and beneficial to expect fulfilled potential… But putting high pressure on numbers and ranks is unproductive, and often detrimental. Let them make mistakes. Offer support and encouragement through the process. For example, praising a child to comfort them over a disappointing outcome sends the wrong message: Not only does it suggest you have low expectations, it also negates the impact of genuine praise.
How can we help? Book your initial parent consultation to get the right advice for your child's needs Book Now » Got any questions before you book? Child and adolescent experts: We only work with school age children, teenagers and parents. Education and school experts: We will help you navigate the school system to get the best possible results for your child.