Originally Posted by Dave in MA. The story goes that this song didn't end properly because the tape on which it was recorded ran out and you can hear it sound like it got jammed or crumpled toward the end of the song. From what I understand it was fixed in later remastered versions but I haven't heard it in a while so I can't say for sure. Guitar Geek might have something more to add to this or confirm this story. Originally Posted by Trane. The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.
Queen, Sheer Heart Attack the song. Maybe other tracks on those albums as well? Last edited by Socrates; at PM. Last edited by progeezer; at PM. Originally Posted by Socrates. Shadow Self - Kevin Gilbert. Originally Posted by progeezer. Confirmed Bachelors : the dramedy hit of Yep, that one certainly qualifies in the same way "Heart of the Sunrise" does.
Page 1 of 2 1 2 Last Jump to page:. Bookmarks Bookmarks Google StumbleUpon del. All times are GMT It is the first song and the first single from their second album, Images and Words. According to the band, the song has Shakespearean themes, particularly in relation to Hamlet. It is not specifically about Hamlet, but shares themes with it and is inspired by it.
The final line "Oh that this too, too solid flesh would melt" is taken from Hamlet. Pull Me Under is an unusual song for Dream Theater. The tone at first appears to be slow and atmospheric; however, there are plenty of heavy riffs in the song. It is considered very progressive. The song is notable for its abrupt end, which is supposed to symbolize death, which can happen suddenly.
Many fans have thought the song was cut off unintentionally due to the abrupt ending. When playing the song live, the band tends to give it a more definitive ending. Pull Me Under is by far the band's most well-known song. Originally titled "Oliver's Twist" in instrumental form, the song was added to the album late, replacing Don't Look Past Me. The song catching on in the mainstream surprised the band, as they had written Another Day in hopes of it being a hit single, due to its softer, more melodic nature.
According to Portnoy, Pull Me Under's success is proof that "the fans like balls and chunk". Pull Me Under peaked at 10 on the Billboard Hot , skyrocketing the popularity of the album. A video was shot from it using stock footage of the band performing along with conceptual footage. The conceptual footage has nothing to do with the song and was created without any input from the band.
The character in the video is referred to as both a vampire and a werewolf by members of the band, who admit they don't understand what the video is about or what its relation to Pull Me Under is. The song's success led to Images and Words going Gold in , and it has become the band's anthem, though they admit they are sick of playing it.
The compilation album Greatest Hit The song was included as an unlockable song in the game Guitar Hero: World Tour as the song the player plays during the credits, and then as a part of an unlocked set taking place in "Valhalla".
It does not include the abrupt ending with the "would melt" lyric in this game. The demo version, known as "Oliver's Twist" , had an extended instrumental that was excised for not fitting in with the rest of the song. It was later reused as a part of Erotomania.