Why does my discharge smell

It is important that both you and your partner get treated. That's why he usually tells women to pay attention to what affects their odour at any given time. If you find that your normal scent is off and you've been eating more processed foods, try increasing your intake of fruit and vegetables and see if that makes a difference. While not a common cause of vaginal odours, one of the symptoms of cervical cancer is a foul-smelling blood stained discharge. The culprit: the odour results from the dying cancerous cells present in the cervix.

A sweaty vagina is definitely a smelly one. When you sweat, especially while exercising, your sweat glands in your groin secrete an oily fluid that's metabolised by bacteria on your skin. This produces a noticeable smell that you can detect after a strenuous exercise session. It's not uncommon to notice a strong scent when you're menstruating. Since blood has a higher pH level, your vaginal flora can get thrown off a little during your period and "you may notice a metallic smell," says Prince.

This type of smell should resolve once menstruation ends though. You can't eliminate all smells, but you can reduce the intensity of an odour by practising certain hygiene protocols. If you're experiencing a change in your vaginal scent, try a few of these recommendations to see if you can take care of it on your own. The best thing you can do is keep your groin area as dry as possible, and one of the best ways to do that is to change out of your sweaty clothes as soon as possible.

All healthy vaginas contain bacteria and yeast. The normal acidity of your vagina keeps bacteria and yeast in check, essentially cleaning itself. If you douche flushing water up into the vagina , you can upset this delicate balance. Vaginal Odor: What Is Normal? Why Do Vaginas Smell? Normal, Healthy Vaginal Odors Here are some normal, not-to-worry odors you may encounter: Tangy, fermented, or sour.

These are perfectly healthy adjectives to describe the vaginal odor created by your normal bacterial flora. Good bacteria help keep your vagina healthy by producing lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide, and other substances to keep harmful bacteria at bay. They help maintain your vaginal pH levels by keeping it on the acidic side — between 3. Metallic, like a jar of pennies. A metallic vaginal odor could be due to blood from menstruation or light bleeding after sex traveling through your vaginal canal.

Blood contains iron, which explains the smell of metal. Bittersweet or molasses-y. If your vaginal odor comes off smelling a little like tangy gingerbread, your normal bacteria may be in a bit of flux, affecting your pH balance and, therefore your aroma.

Bleachy, like a clean kitchen sink. A chemically vaginal odor could be attributed to a bit of urine in your underwear or around your vulva. But please note, it could also be the sign of a bacterial infection. Read on Unhealthy Vaginal Odors If you notice any of these vaginal odors, you may want to contact your gynecologist. You may also feel itchy and swollen. Unfortunately, recurrence is not unusual after antibiotic treatment.

She adds that your sexual partner may be the cause of your infection, so talking to them about their personal hygiene and using external or internal condoms for a while might be a good idea. If you find that this helps, your partner will likely need a course of antibiotics , too. Vaginal odour: pungent and fishy, similar to BV. Trichomoniasis is the most common non-viral sexually transmitted infection STI in the world. A course of antibiotics usually clears it up. Vaginal odour: very unpleasant, but odour is generally a minor symptom.

Toxic shock syndrome has become a very rare illness — it was often caused by high-absorbency tampons. TSS cases are now very rare, though. Vaginal odour: very unpleasant. Vaginal yeast infections like thrush are very common and typically cause itching, burning and changes to vaginal discharge, which can become lumpy and white, similar to curdled milk. Similar to the changing smells throughout your menstrual cycle, other hormonal changes can affect the smell of your cervical mucus.

Pregnancy changes the cervical mucus, too. If you experience an ammonia-like vaginal odour, urine might be involved. This can happen if you have a urinary tract infection UTI.

A doctor or gynaecologist can advise on treatment options.


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