Why do people hate sydney dalton

Its her fault all her friends and everyone else ditched her, for being a total ungrateful bitch. Like me, and 3 million or so other people which have spent a year trying to have him follow me, yet he still hasnt. The thing is, Sydney is an attention whore and always will be. She clearly loves it…. And tht day i hoped she wud get revealed for the phony she rlly was.

Is it just me, or has anyone else never heard of Gona? Like wth. Why is she getting all this attention? Sydney and Stephanie are the ones to be worrying about here.

Gona thinks shes all special and known. Another thing. During the My World 2. They only went to one store before Justin and Scooter came to talk and take pictures with the fans. Scooter than gave S,G, and S tickets to the private concert and left a little bit later. As soon as they left, Sydney wearing HUUUGE sunglasses and acting like a bitch decided it was time for Gona, Stephanie, and herself to leave…not even collecting money or buying cds!

I want to scream at them sometimes, considering this event is to help those who are sick and in the hospital, not a give me some free tickets and Ill leave not even buying anything. She deserves NOT to be forgiven. Look at the past posts about Sydney Dalton a. And she does not deserve to be in the Bieberarmy? She aint a belieber and 2nd of all.. She caused Bieberarmy to have haters. First, the video. She wanted the attention they all did, but mainly Sydney and she got it, of course.

Second of all, does she even know Justin? Do they talk often? She uses people a lot too. Maybe if we all stopped giving them so much attention that is what they crave, right? Okay, so can somebody please please explain to me what happened? Does Justin like hate her now? I mean, I definetly agree that Sydney is an attention whore! If Jesus can forgive the people who crucified and killed him, we can forgive sydney for ripping up some Justin Bieber posters. Sydney, i have to say it was very wrong of you to do all of that, but i forgive you.

All those girls are messed up! I am kind of confused about what was going on? A majority of the tweets directed at her were full of spite while some users ironically thanked her for unifying the two fan bases for this particular purpose. People who are oblivious to the drama that's happening on Twitter should first discern as to who exactly Sydney Dalton is. Dalton was a true Bieber fan, who in was seen ripping up her idol's posters in a YouTube video, thereby illustrating that she had gotten over her Bieber Obsession.

Loyal fans aggressively attacked Dalton for her infamous conduct, and some fans have gone as far as sending her death threats.

The teenager was eventually kicked out of Bieber Army, a strong Twitter group, and was trending since then on the networking site. But the shocker came when Dalton bragged about meeting Bitish-Irish band One Direction last year, thereby igniting fury and jealousy? If we just keep saying to ourselves "Oh, it's not that big of a deal, they aren't going to do anything. Some people are stronger then others.

Some people take some of the things that are said to them seriously and kill themselves over it, and that is not okay. She also said, "I'd like to thank my haters for getting my name out into the public. Late last week, someone actually took the trouble to create an unauthorized website at SydneyDalton. In August of Sydney Dalton unintentionally changed the world by renouncing her fan-hood of Justin Bieber.

However many became outraged, claiming that this is the apocalypse thought to arrive in Others have found this young lady to be a new American heroine; putting an end to a completely unnecessary era. Whatever you decide, show your support, stand your ground, and let the world know.


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