I recently bought 4 mollies and added them to my tank yesterday. They were acting fine and swimming everywhere. They are in a 15 gallon tank that has been up for 8 months with 3 rummy nose tetra. I had 6 but 3 had unfortunately died due to pH shock and I will get more soon.
However today, one of the Molly seem to be acting weird and staying near the top. It isn't gasping or breathing heavily but it's fins are not as fanned out as yesterday. The other 3 mollies are ok and swimming around. All of them including the one at the top did eat though. Is there anything wrong with that particular Molly hanging out at the top? Is it adjusting till the tank or is there something wrong with the tank. It might have swim bladder if it seems to have trouble swimming.
If you are unsure, you could give it a quick epson salt bath 5 minutes to see if that helps. Using an air stone or air bubbler To revive your fish, just take your fish in your hand and hold it near the air stone. The oxygenated water will help to put life back into your weak fish.
Molly fish occupy the bottom of the tank due to inappropriate temperature or water conditions, including high ammonia and nitrite concentrations. To your surprise, that behavior could be merely a sign of a sleeping molly. Do molly fish sleep? Yes, molly fish sleep like most fish do. Mollies have the ability to adapt to a variety of salt levels in the aquarium.
Molly fish typically hide when they share the same tank with aggressive tankmates, like bettas and barbs. However, that also happens when the water conditions are poor, including pH, ammonia, and toxins.
Mollies also tend to hide in overcrowded tanks or when suffering from a bacterial infection. Proper aeration creates tiny bubbles to oxygenate water, providing the healthful environment mollies need to thrive.
Hunaid Hanfee. My female moly is staying at top of the aquarium for most of the time and making bubbles.. I don't think so. My molly swims around and picks at algae. Staying near the top of the tank suggests you may have low oxygen levels or high ammonia, nitrite or nitrate.
That behavior can mean that it's about to give birth. Pregnant females will stay at the bottom and not move around a lot. They may also find a place on the bottom to hide. Does the fish look bloated? That is another indication that it's pregnant. Look for babies within the next week. Click to expand Is she swimming around or staying in one place.
And what do you mean by shes making bubbles. You may also want to get an air stone to get more oxygen into the water and an accurate aquarium water testing kit. Both equally. Look at the pic in one of my reply. Are you sure shes making the bubbles. Bubbles like that are usually a sign of excess dissolved organics. Also she does look like she is getting ready to drop fry in a few days so she might be trying to find somewhere. My female will hide behind my sump intake for a few days before she drops.
Mollies are aggresive in smaller tanks so that's normal but ive never seen mine make bubbles. What size is your tank. Right now it is small but I buy a new big one It will take someday to ready for the fishes. Small tank around 3 gallon. That's your problem. Your filter won't be able to keep up with the bioload. Yes but I brought a new one 10 gallon tank and soon They will be in their new tank.